Chapter Eleven

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That nights sleep was restless for Malice. With the return of her memories, was the return of new nightmares. Nothing exciting had happened to Asante, but Malice's life was full of loss. She had lost so many people through the clone wars and after. Sideous has always said it was for the best. The loss triggered her hate and that made her stronger. She couldn't deny that she had grown very powerful, but were the means to achieve that power worth the pain she felt? 

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. Sleep didn't seem to be returning anytime soon, so she dressed quickly and pulled a hooded cloak on. She had yet to explore the ship in its entirety so that's just what she planned to do.

No one turned a head to her as she walked around. It was a lot quieter during the sleeping hours, since they were using humans instead of clones. Walking around, it seemed to be a similar model to the star destroyers she was used to. Perhaps a bit bigger. She peeked through doors, looking for anything interesting. Prison cells, trooper bunkers, training rooms. Nothing she hadn't already see .

Taking an elevator a bit higher up, she stepped out and continued to look around. These seemed to be bigger rooms for some of the higher ranking officers. They had their names written in Aurebesh over the doors. General Hux, Captain Phasma, and many others. She expected to see Kylo's somewhere near but it wasn't. Then again, she could see him desiring his space.

She turned the corner, expecting to find another hallway but instead she found a single room. It didn't have a number or name. Glancing inside, it wasn't anyone's personal quarters, either. The door opened at her touch and she walked inside, to find the biggest looking throne she'd ever seen. She walked around carefully, but didn't see anything that would lead to what kind of room this was.

"Looking for something, my dear?" A voice echoed behind her. She jumped slightly, turning to look at the large throne.

A large hologram of some sort of being now sat in the looming chair. It was scarred and bald, but had piercing eyes. Her own eyes were huge as she took in the being before her.

"I apologize for the intrusion. I just couldn't sleep." She said quietly. "I'll go now."

"There's no need, my dear. I don't think we've been properly introduced yet. I am Supreme Leader Snoke."

If it were possible for her eyes to get even wider, they most certainly did. She knelt immediately, color flooding to her face as her embarrassment grew. This was the Supreme Leader? Of course it was! How could she have been so stu-

"You are far from stupid, my dear." His voice echoed. "On the contrary. With all the knowledge and experience you posses, you're surely one of the most intelligent beings aboard this ship."

"Thank you, Sir." She answered. She'd never thought of it that way. He was right of course, but it was an interesting perspective.

"Has my apprentice been treating you well?"

"Kylo Ren? Yes he has. He's been a great help. He has been trained well."

"His training is not complete yet. But I have faith in his abilities. He grows more powerful everyday."

"That is evident as well, Sir."

"Speaking of which."

The door behind them opened and in walked Kylo, helmet off and seemingly relieved to have found her.

"Lady Malice. You weren't in your quarters." He said. "Are you alright?"

"I just couldn't sleep, Kylo. I'm alright." She assured. Why was he not kneeling as well? Snoke was his master, was he not? Things surely couldn't have changed this much, could they?

"Isn't she wonderful, Master?" Kylo said. "She will be a great help, I'm sure of it."

Snoke nodded, his gaze turning back to Malice.

"Indeed she will be. Tell me, dear. Have you any memories of how exactly your experimentation was carried out?"

She shook her head.

"I'm sorry Sir. Whenever I wasn't unconscious, I was fighting through immense pain. I don't remember anything but that."

He nodded again, peering at her from behind his intertwined fingers.

"I expect great things from you, Lady Malice. You two are to stay together. Our plans cannot proceed without you both. Kylo, you have witnessed her power. Yet there will be times she needs protection. Not to make you feel like you cannot take care of yourself, dear. we just cannot afford for anything to happen to her."

"I understand, Master."

Snoke waved Malice up to stand, dismissing them both.

"Be prepared for the mission tomorrow. Both of you." And his image flickered out, leaving the empty seat beside him.

Malice let go of a breath she had apparently been holding.

"Are you really alright?" Kylo asked.

"I'm not sure. Just more nightmares I'm afraid. It seems having your memories back will do that to you."

He made a motion as if to embrace her, but pulled back. When was the last time she'd been hugged? Darth Maul had been going to Naboo to confront the Jedi. She hadn't been allowed to go. She needed to be kept a secret. But she just had a feeling that something was going to go wrong. He had hugged her, out of the eye of Lord Sideous. Such things would have resulted in a punishment for sure.

"I will return. Do you doubt my power?"

Of course she hadn't. Perhaps she should have. It was the last time she would see him.

Malice felt tears form in her eyes and blinked them away. She was stronger than this. She had been trained to be stronger than this.

But when she at last felt arms envelope her, she didn't resist. It was the most comfort she'd had in a long time.

Turns out things can be very confusing after regaining lost memories. Who'd have known? Thanks to everyone reading this! I hope you're liking it!

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