Chapter Twenty-Nine

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They had attempted to resume the training, but Kylo stayed in a bad mood for the rest of it. He glared at Hux whenever they happened to pass, and Malice was sure he was wishing him death threats. She'd decided to go get Senzu, and work on training him instead. Kylo joined by sat brooding in the corner.

"Alright, Senzu. Let's try that again!" The little Nexu was enjoying all the attention. He'd learned sit and lie down already, and they were working on pouncing. Eventually she'd get it to the point where he'd recognize a force prod and react to that instead of words. They'd come to communicate mentally, and it would make them a fearsome pair.

He was fiercely attacking a cushion, when Malice looked over at Kylo. He caught her eye and turned away, not looking at her. She sighed, knowing that he was still feeling upset and protective. She'd let him know she didn't return Hux's feelings but it hasn't seemed to make him feel better.

She left Senzu to continue pouncing and approached Kylo, who wouldn't meet her eyes. She kissed him softly on the cheek. Kylo's face flooded with color at her touch.

"Who do I belong to?" She asked, getting him to look at her.

"Me..." He grumbled. She cupped s hand to her ear.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that. Who was it?"

"It's me." Kylo said a bit louder.

"That's right." She took his hand, but he wouldn't meet her eyes again. She sighed, seeing that it was going to be a stubborn day for him. The door hissed open and the very last person they needed to see walked in.

"What do you want, Hux?" She growled. Hux didn't look to have a good reason. Perhaps Kylo had been right and he was just looking for any chance he could to see her.

"I just was, um, seeing if this training room was open" He said.

"It's obviously not, so why don't you leave?" She snapped. He turned to go but turned back.

"Listen Malice-" a red lightsaber hummed to life. It was one of the training sabers, so it wouldn't be able to do any real damage, but Malice ignited her own to block it. Kylo was furious, and Hux seemed to get the message that he wasn't welcome, and got out as quickly as he could.

"Why did you stop me?" Kylo demanded, not shutting down the lightsaber.

"Because if you hurt him in any way, Snoke is going to start asking questions. And what answers would we have to give him?"

Kylo hadn't disengaged her weapon, and she stood blocking his attack still. Perhaps getting his steam out with a battle wasn't such a bad idea. She made a quick chatter to Senzu, who recognized the call to hide and did so, jumping into the open cabinet. Malice turned her attention back to Kylo, and pushed him back with her lightsaber. He took a step back to steady himself before lunging at her again.

She blocked it quickly, spinner her lightsaber to knock him back again, and decided it would help get it out of his system faster if he pursued her. She jumped backwards, drawing his attacks out. He came at her again and again, slashing and attacking. She blocked it, but felt his anger and power rising even more. She, on the other hand, was growing tired. She couldn't keep up with his lower rise, she just wasn't angry enough. Her blocks became weaker, and he pushed her weapon away easily each time. She tried to jump back again, but he swung up, clipping the edge of her leg. She lost her concentration, falling to the ground hard. She'd been fairly high up, and felt the impact snap one or two of her ribs. Her foot throbbed I pain from where the lightsaber had hit her. Kylo approached, a rage in his eyes she hadn't seen in a long time.

She was breathing heavily, and he brought the lightsaber close to her face, she looked up at him, slightly worried. He wasn't himself right now. She wasn't even sure the fighting had helped him at all. He looked down at her with almost a sneer. His temper hadn't been this bad in ages. And if it was she could always calm him down.

Looking down at her, he saw the fear start to cloud her eyes, and Kylo snapped out of the rage he had been in. Dropping the lightsaber, he knelt, ashamed at how far he'd taken it.

"Kaila. I'm so sorry." He said in a hushed tone, standing to pick her up. She winced in pain as he touched her broken ribs, and he held her close.

"We're going to the infirmary. Right now." He told her.

"Wait, we have to get Senzu." She said, wincing again. She chirped for him and he bounded out of his hiding place, climbing up and onto Malice's stomach. He licked her nose, obviously concerned, and laid down where he was standing.

Kylo carried her to the infirmary, setting her down on a table. The Nurse stepped in, and glanced down at Malice before looking at Kylo.

"What happened."

"We were-"

"We were training. Lightsaber fighting. I went to jump and was off balance, so I fell." Malice finished for him. "I think a few ribs might be broke . And I've got a burn on my leg." She coughed.

"Nothing we can't fix. That's nothing compared to what I've had to patch up before. Sir, you can sit over there. And take this with you." She nodded to Senzu who hissed defensively, but allowed Kylo to pick him up. They walked over to a waiting room like area, and sat. They'd wait as long as it took for her to be finished.

Malice thought Kylo generally had his anger under control. Was it just his protectiveness, or was it that and something else?

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