Chapter Twenty-Five

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Malice had run to a hanger nearby, searching for their usual transport. She finally found it, and had Hux run up, taking her by the shoulders.

"The resistance has damaged the core too much. The planet is collapsing. I'm to take you and Kylo out of here this instant. Where is he?" He demanded.

"He's out hunting down the girl. He's wounded, Hux. He hasn't returned yet."

"We need to leave as soon as possible, or we'll all be killed!"

Malice nodded. "I going to go look for him. I'll bring him back."

The hanger shook, rocks and metal beams beginning to fall as they had been all over the base.

"Be careful. We need you both." Hux said after her. She pulled her good on and ran out in the snow to find Kylo.

She didn't want to yell his name. Her powers were still not fully back, and if the girl was awakened, she'd overpower her for sure. So she simply ran, finding Kylo's bloody trail and following it. It traced around trees, seemingly where the battle had started. A patch of blood laid against the tree but it wasn't his. It didn't connect to the trail in any way. She saw in the distance, the shimmer of a blue lightsaber. She ran towards it, stopping in her tracks. A huge rupture had torn the earth in half. On the opposite end stood the girl, wielding a familiar looking blue lightsaber. She was breathing heavily, and they locked eyes for a moment before the girl ran the opposite direction. 

On her own side of the rift was who she had been looking for. Kylo Ren laid in the snow, bleeding even more than he had been before. She knelt near him, vowing to someday get revenge for what the girl had done. He had a bad burn mark to his shoulder, but his face... His face had a long, deep gash that went diagonally down it. He was still breathing, and his eyes found her moments later.

"I wasn't strong enough." He gasped out weakly. She shushed him.

"Neither of us would've been a match against her. She's newly awakened. That's not a normally found power."

She helped him stand and he cried out in pain. His lightsaber had been cut in half, and when she tried to pick it up, he stopped her.

"No. I'll make a new one."

She nodded, and aided his walking back to the hanger. It was difficult in the snow, and even more difficult with the planet collapsing. Kylo lost his balance and fell a few times, losing a lot  of blood. He needed medical attention, and fast. There was limited medic supplies in the ship but it would have to do.

They stumbled the rest of the way there, and finally got to the hanger where Hux was waiting. The ship had already been powered up, and he grabbed Kylo's other arm, helping them up. As the ship took off, Malice and Hux pulled Kylo onto a table, where he could finally rest.

"Hux, get me all of our medical supplies now." She commanded, brushing Kylo's hair out of his face when Hux had left. The ship cleared the planet's atmosphere just as it exploded, and she looked at it without much feelings. She'd seen a lot of large explosions, but never one like this. All the energy from the nearby sun that had powered the machine, had essentially turned the entire planet into another sun. It was beautiful in some ways, but now wasn't the time to dwell on it.

Hux returned with the supplies, and Malice got to work. She'd had to patch up quite a few of her own wounds, and knew she could do a good enough job to last till they got to wherever they were going. She found a small bottle of bacta, a well used cleaning and purifying agent. Often used in mass quantities to submerge the wounded in, they only had a small bottle, and that would have to do. She poured little amounts on all of his wounds, and he hissed at the stinging. She carefully bandaged the blaster wound and his shoulder burn before turning her attention to the face gash.

"Close your eyes." She instructed, and he did so. She poured the remaining bacta carefully, avoiding his eyes with great precision. The wound sizzled a bit, but he made no noise. His teeth were gritted tightly. She lifted his head, wrapping the gauze all the way around it to cover the gash. He opened his eyes when she was done, staring at her. He touched her face softly, not much different from how his father had touched his own before falling. She gave him a weak smile. They hadn't gotten to actually be together like this since she'd returned. Everything had been so hectic. She didn't care that Hux was there. She was just so happy to have not lost Kylo.

Hux watched the two awkwardly, standing to one side. They definitely shared a connection that would make them very powerful. It would be a few days before they arrived at their destination, and it would be an interesting ride for all of them.

Oh, you thought I'd end the story at the end of the movie! Pff, no! I can't wait that long to continue writing.

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