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Harry's POV

"You don't know this, but I was once pregnant. "

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"About eight years back. I was young and dumb." she told me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened? " I was beginning to get worried.

"Well I was thirteen years old. I had a little boyfriend that I thought I was in love with. He said he would make sure we'd be together forever, start a family, get married. Everything a girl ever wanted. I was very insecure at the time but when I found that a guy actually liked me, I got overwhelmed. He wasn't a virgin and I still was. one night I decided that I loved him so much, that he could have it. So I gave him my virginity. Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I was happy but sad that I was so young. The second I told him, he instantly left me. I felt so alone. My mother didn't pay attention to me. she just did stuff like bring me food and help during labor. I began cutting and thinking about suicide. I had the baby and it was healthy and strong. before, we were going to keep him and raise him as my little brother, but I couldn't live a lie like that. So we put him up for adoption. We keep in contact with the family that adopted him and I cry every time I see him because he has my eyes, hair, and smile." she said while trying to hold back tears.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I was so angry that she had to go through such a horrific moment in her life and I wasn't around to be there for her. I pulled her into a hug and she imeidietly broke down in my arms.

"I'm so sorry babe." I whispered so that only she could hear.

"I love you." she said.

"I lov-" I was cut off my her lips colliding with mine and moving in sync. I licked over her bottom lip asking for entrance which she excepted. my tongue roamed her mouth feeling her tongue lick mine a few times. Then I began to unclasp her bra. I went for her neck leaving a trial of wet sloppy kisses from her lips to her chest.

Then I left kisses down to her stomach and started tugging at the hem if her underwear.

Gabbi's POV

He tugged on the hem of my underwear and I decided that it would be fun to tease him. I flipped us over so that I was straddling him. I gave him a few quick pecks on the lips then got up from my place on the bed.

"Where you going?"


"So that's it."


"You know what I'm talking about." his smirk playing across his face.

"No I don't."

"You little tease!" he yelled after me as I went to the bathroom.

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