"Maybe I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore."

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Harry's POV 

After going through the surprisingly short security check line, I was looking around for the gate Gabbi could possible be at.

Where could she be going? England? No. Australia? No. Fresno? No. Paris? Possibly. Okay. I'll go to where the plane is going to Paris.

"Flight 23172 to Paris section A, now boarding." the female voice over the intercom said. I began running when I got a text.

From My Love - I love you. Stay out of trouble.

I began running without thinking. My feet moving as quickly as possible.

"Section B." it said again.

"Section C." it said again. I stopped.

She was right there. Right in front of me. Her eyes lock with mine. I can tell she's been crying. She looks exhausted but so fucking hot. I walk over to her and she tries to board the plane but I jerk her back.

"What's going on? Why are you leaving me?" I yell fighting the tears behind my eyes. 

"I'm sorry Harry, but I can't tell you. Its for your own good. I don't want to distract you from your career. Having a baby is a lot of hard work." she cries without looking at me. I tilt her head and force her to look at me.  

"I don't care. I want this. I want us." I whisper. She looks so vulnerable.  

"Harry this isn't going to work. you have fans that are counting on you and-" 

"And I have a son that's counting on me more. " I say. Tears threatening to burst from my eyes. 

"Harry, our son will be fine. You don't need a me as a girlfriend right now. You need to focus on your music." 

"Maybe I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore." I say getting down on one knee.

Gabbi's POV 

I gasped and cried a little while vigorously shaking my head no. I can't marry him. Simon would crush us. 

"Gabbi, I've loved you ever since the first day I layed eyes on you. Whenever you touch me, my heart skips a beat. Whenever I kiss you my heart does back flips. Whenever you talk about school and your hopes and dreams, the way you're eyes light up, warms my insides. I love you more than words can explain. You guys (he said referring to the baby and I), are my only chance at happiness. Please do me the honor, of being my beautiful bride?" he said.

"I'm sorry Harry but I can't marry you." I said. 

"Why not? Tell me what's going on now." he demanded. There was a certain sparkle in his eye, I can't lie to him. 

"Simon. He said that by being your girlfriend and tying you down with this baby, I'm ruining your image as the flirt. I can't jeopardize your career like that. Thats why I agreed to it. I love you too much to be the cause to your crumbled dreams." I cry. 

"You are my dreams. What I have with you, is all I've ever wanted. I took part in making our son and I refuse to sit back and watch you take care of him on your own." he said. This little cheeky fucker. He's doing this on purpose. He's making me not want to leave more than before.

I love this guy. He pressed his forehead to mine. I couldn't take it anymore. I pressed my lips to his. His lips taste of salty tears. But I still love the way his soft lingering sweet lips wrestled with mine. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. The heat between us has never been so hot. Its filled with lust and need. But like all great things, it must come to an end. I sight of flashing camera lights filled my sight which caused us to break the kiss. 

While Harry turned to them, I took my chance and got on the plane. The door closing behind me. I hear Harry's screams from behind the door as I walk down to the plane. There's no turning back now. My new life with just my son and I begins now.

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