"Its who I am."

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"What? " I ask Harry who is staring at me.

"You look-" he trails off obviously at a loss of words.

"Thanks." I say blushing.

"I can't wait to get you out of that tonight." he whispers.

"You are really a flirt aren't you." I smile.

"Its who I am." he winks.

"Snacks are ready." Louis yells.

Harry and I get out of the hot tub and grab a bowl of cheese curls. Harry grabs a beer and I grab a glass of wine.

We go back to the hot tub and I sit the bowl on the ground beside us. Harry takes a swig of his beer and leans in to kiss me.

"Not with that beer breath. That stuff stinks and it is disgusting. How do you drink that crap?" I ask.

"I don't know. Try some." he gives me the bottle. I take a swig. It burns my throat and has somewhat of a nice taste to it.

I take another swig and smile in pleasure. Harry chuckles.

"Like it?" he asks smirking.

"A little but its still not my thing." I say handing it back to him. He takes a swig and opens his mouth to speak.

"You left your sent on my bottle. And its okay, you just sip on your little wine." he teases.

"Whatever. " I playfully punch his arm.

I look over my shoulder to find Jen and Niall arguing over who gets the last cupcake.

"They're so ment for each other. " I whisper to Harry.

"Yeah. I've never seen Niall look at a girl like that." He says.

"Hey guys? " I call their attention.

"How about you split it in half?" I suggest. Smiles cross over their faces as Niall grabs a knife and cuts it in half. They both take a piece and fed it to each other. So cliche but also cute.

"Want me to feed you a cupcake? " Harry asked wiping icing on my nose.

"No that's cliche now get this off my nose." I demanded.

"As you wish. " he raised a napkin and I shut my eyes. Instead of my nose being met with the napkin, it was met with Harry's tongue.

"Ew. " I squeaked laughing hideously.

"You didn't say I had to wipe it off. And it was kind fun." He chuckles.

"Still that's nasty." I cringe.

"You didn't seem to mind me licking your-"

"Harry! Private business how many times do we have to go over this." I blush and he smirks.

"You two are so amusing." Dani says walking by. We both laughed.

After a few minutes, everyone was in the hot tub. I was sitting on Harry's lap, Dani was sitting on Liam's lap, Perrie was sitting on Zayn's lap, El was sitting on Louis' lap, And Jen was sitting next to Niall with his arm around her. All the guys had beer and all the girls except Dani had wine. Weird. Something's up. And I need to find out.

"So guys we have huge news." Dani starts.

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