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I woke up to Harry's fingers running through my hair. I use my index finger to trace over his tattoos on his chest.

We didn't move from this position for at least 20 minutes. It was very calming and just a sweet moment. But just like them all, it had to end.

Jen busted through the door panicking.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think I slept with Niall!" she exclaimed.

'oh trust me, they won't' Zayn's words playing in my head.

"Is that what you want?" I asked her.

"Well yeah but if I did I don't know If we used protection or not." she said. My eyes popped out of my head and I jumped out of bed.

I enter the room to find Niall pacing back and forth running his hand through his hair.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I think we slept together." they said in unison.

"Calm down. Do we have any proof of that?" I ask.

"No. That's the problem. If we did, we didn't use protection!" Niall yelled.

"Niall don't yell at me. Keep calm... both of you. " I say in the most calm tone as possible.

"Sorry." they both say in unison.

"Jen are you feeling any different? " I ask.

"Just a little sore that's all." she replys.

" When's you're next period?"

"Two weeks." she says.

"Good. I think you're okay but don't drink just til then. if you're period doesn't come or you feel any different, let me know." I say before walking out and going back to bed.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked as I climbed into bed.

"They had sex and didn't use a condom so now Jen think she's pregnant. " I chuckle.

"Wow. is she?"

"Probably not but we won't know for another two weeks." I tell him and he nods.

"Come here." Harry says holding his arms out for me to come into his arms.

I scooted closer to him and into his arms. His warmth instantly relaxing my body. I lay my head on his chest and trace his tattoos with my finger.

"I love when you do that." he whispers bringing his hand up to stroke my hair.

"And I love when you do that." I whisper back. I sit up and look him in his eyes before pecking his lips and getting out of bed.

"Where you going?" he asked with a look of confusion over his face.

"I'm going to make breakfast. " I reply before marching downstairs.

I made bacon, eggs, and crescents.

"Ooo smells good in here." Dani calls from the top of the staircase.

"You really are pregnant aren't you." I giggle.

"Hey a lady gotta eat right." she laughs.

"I smell bacon." Niall calls.

"Yes you do." I call back.

Seconds later Jen and Niall come racing down the stairs.

"What's cookin'?" Jen says sitting at the table with Dani.

"We got bacon, eggs, crescents, applesauce and apple juice." I say to everyone while looking at the delicious food in front of me.

"Ooooo Apple Juice!" Harry exclaims coming from upstairs.

"You sound like your son." I laugh.

"You know I love apple juice." he smiles before kissing my cheek.

"Yes and so do I. That's probably why Jr does so much." I laugh.

"That's defiantly my kid." Harry says.

"Who's hungry?!" I say revealing the food on the counter in front of me.

"Me!" Niall and Jen say in unison as they get up to get to the food.

"Let the pregnant lady go first you two. Where are your manners? " I dramatically gasp.

"Sorry." they both mumble as Dani makes her way over to me.

"Now you can come get your food." I say once Dani has her plate full.

Harry, Niall, and Jen all make their way over to me to make their plates.

Once we all have our plates, I take a seat next to Harry and begin eating.

"Damn Gab that was good."Dani says.

"Didn't you sit down like two minutes ago?" I ask in surprise.

"Yeah why?" she asked.

"You used to eat like that too babe." Harry smirked. I blushed.

"Oh. pregnant women thing I guess." Dani winked.

"I'm done."

"Me too." Jen and Niall said.

"Why are you too so hungry? Are either one of you pregnant too?" I joked.

"I'm always hungry. " They both say in unison. As they both put their plates in the sink.

Harry and I are left downstairs at the table eating.

"This is good babe." Harry says with his mouth full.

"You know I could cook. Is this some surprise?" I joked. He chuckled before taking a sip of his apple juice.

"We should have a cook off." Harry said with a huge grin.

"Yeah. so I could whip your ass in the kitchen. "I laugh.

"You wish." Harry said as we both finished our food.

On our way up the stairs, we saw Zayn and Perrie coming down.

"Good morning. " They both said in unison.

"Good morning." Harry and I said in unison.

"There's breakfast on the stove. Leave some for Liam, El, and Lou." I tell they and they reply with a simple "okay".

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