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(Warning: Sex scene. If its not your thing, don't read it. Simple as that. Thx a lot for sticking with me through this story. I love you guys so much. You don't even know. Check out my other stories! Okay... Enough of the small talk. Story time;)


His lips crashed to mine; suppressing fireworks down my throat. His wet chest pressed to mine as we fell backwards on the bed. He held his weight on his forearms so all his weight wasn't on me.

His lips tastes like strawberries. My hands travel down his wet torso as he settles himself between my legs. His right hand cups my thigh as his left cups my cheek.

My legs wrap tightly around his waist. His crotch rubs against mine and heat builds in between my legs at the sudden friction.

A throaty moan is released into my mouth and I smile into the kiss. I buck my hips from the bed to get closer and meet his hips harder.

His lips became rough and his tongue slipped past my lips. His warm tongue wrestled with mine.

His lips leave mine and I instantly miss them. He trails wets butterfly kissed down my neck; sucking and nibbling lightly. Quiet moans escape my slightly parted lips and his hips grind against mine.

Without warning, his length slides into me. A burning sensation rised in the pit of my stomache as my chest rises and falls rapidly.

He stays at a slow and steady and teasing pace that drives me insane. He knows it. His lips find mine again and they move teasingly slow. His hand massages my breast as I release a moan into his mouth.

The room is extremely hot even though we wrent even covered in the duvet. Ony the sound of our moans and pants fill the air; along with the smell of sex (if that makes sense).

"Harry..." I wimper quietly as the heat and sensation grows in my stomache.

"I know baby. Me too." He growls in my ear. His pace quickens and I pant even harder and louder.

I feel passion explode through out my lower region and I ride out my high; Harry doing the same. He lays down next to me; wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest.

"I love you." he says kissing my forehead. I smile to myself.

"I love you too, babe." I kiss his chest and eventually fall asleep.


When I wake up, the sun is shining brighly in the room. My hair is messily spread out across the pillows as the sheets hang halfways off the bed and a few toss pillows are tossed across the room.

I guess that's why they call them toss pillows. Ha ha.

I pull on Harry's shirt from the day before along with my pink fluffly robe. My feet pad across the cold hardwood floor over to the dresser where my Minnie Mouse slippers are.

I slide them on my feet before brushing my teeth and hair. There are endless love bites on my neck. My thighs hurt from being so tightly wrapped around Harry's waist. I'm very sore, but in a way, I like the feeling.

My throat is sore and my sides hurt from Harry's death grip. My belly seems slighly bigger since the last I actually looked at it. I place my palm over my belly and smile to myself.

After gargling some mouthwash, I walk down the stairs; the smell of pancakes and bacon filling my senses. I just realized how hungry I really am.

"Hey hun." Harry smiles kissing my forehead.

"Hey Gabbi!" El and Lou yell at once. I run over and hug them both.

"What's with this hair!" El laughs running her hand through my long brown hair.

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