"Daddy sing."

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Harry's POV

We jogged on the stage and took our places. The curtain raised and we began singing.


I wanna save ya.

wanna save your heart to niiight

only break out leave you torn apart tonight.'

My turn

'all that you wants under your nose

you should open your eyes but they stay closedddd'

After we finished the song we took a while to enteract with the crowd.

"Harry's back everybody." Liam yells into the mic. The crowd goes crazy. Girls with posters of my face on it and shirts that say 'come back Harry'.

"Thank you Ladies and gentlemen. I know you're wondering what made me come back. Ladies and Gentlemen please give a warm welcome to my girlfriend Gabbi Hudson." I announce. The crowd roars and Gabbi comes on stage.

"Gabbi's gonna help us sing." I tell them. Gabbi blushes and we begin the song.

'I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes

when you smile you've never loved

you stomache or your thighs

the dimples in your back at the bottom you your spine

but ill love them endlessly' she sings. I snake my arm around her waist and kiss her cheek.

As she sang I keep my eyes and hands all over her. When it was my turn, I held her hand and sang to her.

'I know you've never loved the sound of your voice

on tape you never want

to know how much you weigh

you still love to queeze into your jeans

but you're perfect to me'

Gabbi's POV

As he sang I couldn't help but think he was singing to me. After we finished the song Harry made an announcement.

"So guys I have a surprise for Gabbi." I got a bit confused I thought me singing with them was the surprise.

"What? Harry you know I hate surprises." I said.

"I asked her this question three years back at an airport when she was leaving and she never answered." I knew exactly what he was talking about. My eyes watered at the fact that he wanted to do this, right here.

"So I'm gonna ask again. " he says nervously getting down on one knee.

"Gabbi, I love you more than words can explain. I want to share my life with you. We have a very handsome son and everything anyone has ever wanted except this. I'm ready right now. You make me feel alive. like I can do anything. When you touch me my heart skips a beat. The sparkle in your eye when you talk about your dreams makes my heart do back flips. When you talk to me the way you do, my stomache bubbles in happiness. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine. Please do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Styles." By the time he finishes tears are streaming down my face.

"You know I never thought you'd be ready to do this. I thought music came first. but by asking that question in front of millions of people watching, I feel special. I would be honored to be your bride only if you be my groom." I smirk.

"Anytime." he says before standing up. He places the ring on my finger and grabs me by the waist. I put my arms around his neck.

"What now?" I ask.

"kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss" the crowd chants along with the guys. I giggle before planting my lips to his.

Jr runs on stage and pats my thigh causing us to break apart.

"Everybody meet Harry Edward Styles Jr." Harry said. the crowd awed.

"Daddy sing." Jr demanded in his sweet little baby voice.

"You heard the boy. Sing Liam." Harry said before they started singing Live While We're Young.

I sang with them.

'And girl you and I

we bout to make some memories tonight'

when that line was sung, I teasingly wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and bumped his side with my butt.

His eyes went wide. "Y'all see that little tease I call a girlfriend. " Harry said into the mic. The rest of the night was filled with upbeat songs and Harry's cheesy remarks of how teasing I was being. Jr was backstage asleep by 10:30.

After the show the guys went backstage to change and we left the concert hall. Harry carried Jr's sleeping body with one arm and my hand with the other. The minute we stepped outside we were bombarded with paps. The flashing lights awoke Jr as all the paps were trying to get a glimps of him.

"Cover his head." I yelled over the noise of the screaming fans and flashing cameras. Harry took his jacket from over his shoulder and put it over Jr's head. We got in Harry's car and sped off straight to the apartment.

After getting Jr bathed and off to bed, it was just Harry and I, in my room, intensely staring at each other for no apparent reason.

"Spend the night with me tomorrow. " Harry asked.

"What about Jr? We don't want him in there while we are... you know."

"He can come to. I bet one of the guys won't mind having him in there with him." he says.

"Okay. I want to go to the pool though."

"You got a sexy bathing suit?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I got that bathing suit I wore when Niall pulled me in the pool by my legs!" I sneer.

"That's what made me fall in love with you." he smirks.

"So you up to it?" he asked with a smirk.

"Babe, we've done this twice last night. I'm a bit tired after that long concert. But check with me tomorrow. I'm sure after soaking in a hot tub and watching you flaunt in tight shorts, ill be horny enough to have some wet sex with you." I giggle before crawling into bed.

"You are such a tease. Just your words alone made me hard." he smiles.

"Go to bed." I said throwing a pillow at his 'manhood'.

"Mind if I sleep naked?" he asks.

"Make yourself comfortable. " I smile even though he can't see it. He turns around and pulls down his boxers. I blush at his cute little bum.

"Your butt is cute." I giggle. He turns around and blushes.

"I said no looking." he wined.

"No you didn't. And to be fair you looked at me while I was undressing that first night remember. " I said remembering when Harry commented on my breast and butt. He crawled in bed and wrapped his right arms around my right side. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers.

He kisses my cheek. "I love you. Goodnight sweetness." he says.

"I love you too. Goodnight. " I grinned.

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