"Call 911."

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*beep beep*

Harry's horn honked from outside.

"C'mon baby. Daddy's outside." I yelled to Jr. Seconds later he ran into the room.

"Can you go get my purse off my bed for me?" I ask as Jr ran to my room. He appeared in the room holding my purse. I took it from him as I checked for my phone and keys. I pulled my keys out as we left the apartment. I locked the door and we raced down the stairs.

"C'mon guys. I gotta go!" Harry yelled. We got in the car and buckled in as Harry sped off to the concert hall.


"5...6...7...8..." Zayn yelled as they all began singing and dancing. Harry danced around the stage shirtless while singing. Right now they were practicing Little Things. Harry knew this was my favorite song by them so he looked at me a winked every once and a while.

I couldn't help but flush red. After they finished the song, Harry told the guys something a little embarrassing about me.

"Hey guys, you know Gabbi can sing!" he announced. The guys smiles grew widder.

"You should perform with us tonight." Zayn said.

"No no no no no no. I can't do that. I have horrible stage fright." I said playing awkwardly with my fingers.

"C'mon. we know Little Things is your favorite song. You could help." Louis said.

"Okay. Can we do the song again?" I said surprised that I just agreed to singing ON STAGE.

Harry seemed just as surprised because his response was "Really?!" his eyes widened as I noded.

As the guys sang, I put my own little twist on the song. like an 'ohhh' every once in a while or a 'mmmm' after every other line.

"Wow G, that was awesome." Louis exclaimed.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. The fans are going to love you." Niall says. My stomach begins to turn at the word 'fanS' meaning more than one stranger will be watching ME sing. What if they laugh at me? What if they boo me off? What if they trash me over the Internet?

"You guys are making me nervous." I say.

Harry wraps his arms around me.

"It'll be fine babe. You'll see." he says before kissing my cheek.

Another question came to mind.

"Where's Jr?" I ask.

"He was right over-"

Louis was cut off by a loud bang and my screaming child. I ran to the source to see that an amplifier has fallen on his arm.

"Oh my God!" I yell. Harry quickly picks up the heavy object and I pick up Jr. I notice his hand is very red and he is screaming his lungs out. "You guys that looks bad should we take him to the hospital? " Zayn asks.

"Ill take him you guys finish up here. You have a show-"

"No. that's my son. I'm not letting you leave here without me." Harry yells.

"Your yelling isn't helping. We gotta do something. " I say.

"Okay. I'm sorry. But the fans can wait. My son comes first." Harry says. It warms my heart to see that he loves his son so much. He's only really known him for less than 24 hours and he's already putting him first.

"Okay. Call Paul with the car. I'll try to calm him down." I tell Zayn. Harry and I sit on a bench and try to calm down Jr.

"Paul can't get here for another hour. Traffic is heavy." Zayn announces.

"Call 911." Niall says.

"Are you crazy! this will get out in the press. they'll eat Harry and Gabbi alive." Liam yells.

"Well what's better? Taking care of a hurt child or hiding from the press?" Louis points out.

"Okay. Call 911." Liam agrees.

Zayn leaves the room to call 911. Harry and I still try to calm down Jr but he's hurting too much. His breathing is uneven and his face is becoming pale.

"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to lay the child here." the paramedic tells me. I nod and place Jr on the stretcher. They rush him out as Harry and I panickly chase after.

As soon as we get outside we are bombarded with paps.

"Harry is it true you guys are back together?" one guy asks.

"Gabbi is it true this isn't Harry's child?" someone else yells.

We keep our heads down ignoring the questions and bright lights as we rush quickly behind the stretcher.

We rush into the back of the ambulance watching as the paramedics try to keep Jr breathing.

I cry into Harry's chest as he holds me in a tight embrace.

"Is he going to be okay?" I cry.

"We're not sure. His fingers are loosing blood very fast. He will very much be alive but we don't know if his hand will ever be the same." One of the paramedics explains and I nod, understanding.

I even see Harry slip a few tears. He doesn't wipe them away like normal. He lets them casually stroll down his face. His face is straight showing absolutely no emotion. Just tears. His bottom lips slightly quivers and he crys harder, shutting his eyes tightly.

AN. cliffhanger. sorry. will update soon. love you guys.

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