"I can do this."

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When we arrived at the hospital, the paramedics rushed Jr inside while Harry carried me in. I couldn't move. I was in too much shock. My child was in the hospital. He's only two years old! I'm begining to think this is all my fault. If I would've never agreed to singing with the guys I could've been keeping an eye on Jr and he wouldn't be hurt right now.

"Let me down." I demand quietly. Harry lets me down and I walk along his side. He snakes his arm around my neck while I intertwine our fingers. The doctor shuts the door and a nurse walks over to us.

"That's my son." I whisper while crying.

"I know ma'am but we can't let you in there." she says calmly. Oh hell no. She is not sitting here talking to me like nothing's happening.

"And why not?" I ask loudly earning stares from passing doctors and patients.

"Calm down honey." Harry coos.

"No! I'm not going to calm down when my only son is in the hospital for the first time since birth!" I yell. Harry puts his hands up in surrender but one returns to my back as he rubs it softly.

"Ma'am they're using special tools in there that are dangerous for you to be around." the nurse says.

"Oh my God. They're drilling in my baby's arm." I cry.

"Mr. Styles, can I talk to you a minute? " she said. Now Harry's gonna leave me too? He nods and walks aways with the nurse.

I turn around and see Louis standing there with open arms. I quickly run into them. He coos reassuring words into my ear, slightly calming me down. I turn my gaze to Harry and the nurse. She's pointing at me. I wonder what they're talking about over there.

Harry's POV

"Mr. Styles, can I talk to you a minute? " the nurse asks. I don't want to leave Gabbi alone but I have to know what's going on. I nod and walk away to the nurse.

"What's going on? how's my son?" I ask.

"Everything's fine. they're taking an x-ray of his arm to see what's going on with it and if they can fix it. Meanwhile your wife-" she points to Gabbi.

"girlfriend" I correct.

"Girlfriend- she's going through something that she need your help with. This is her first and only child so this is a sensitive situation for her. All first time mothers go through this when their child goes through these kind of things for the first time." I nod in understandment.

"Okay. What should I do?"

"Just comfort her. Find something to distract her and help her with your son." she says.

"I can do that." I nod. I walk back to Gabbi and pull her in my arms. I rock her back and forth while cooing reassuring words into her ear. Within minutes, she's fast asleep.

I wake up to the nurse tapping my shoulder.

"Your son is out of surgery. You can come see him now." She says.

I gently nudge Gabbi awake.

"Babe. Babe." I whisper/yell.

"Mm." she mumbles while stretching.

"He's out of surgery. We can go see him now." I say. She looks up at the nurse and the nurse begins walking with Gabbi hot on her heels. I follow close behind.

Gabbi's POV

He places his arm around my waist and gently squeezes reassuringly. I calm down under his touch. The nurse opens the door and Jr is sitting on the hospital bed with a cast on his hand all the way up his forearm.

"Oh my God. My baby!" I exclaim running to his side. I kissed his forehead which woke him up from a deep sleep.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Can we still see daddy's show?"

"I'm not sure. Harry what time is it?"

"7:30." Harry informed me.

"Okay we have to ask the doctor when we can go home." I tell them. The doctor walks in to give us information.

"He has to keep this cast on for three months then you can come back and change in then after six months its off and his hand is as good as new. "the doctor says.

"When can he go home?" I ask.

"Now actually." He smiles.

"Thank you so much doc you don't know how grateful we are." I smile, shaking his hand. The doctor nods and exits the room and Harry picks up Jr and we all leave the hospital.

"Jr do you still want to go to the show?"Harry asks looking at him in the rearview mirror.

"Yes." he says. Harry looks at me and I nod while he drives straight to the concert hall.

When we arrive Harry goes straight to his dressing room. Jr and I sit backstage to wait for the guys.

"Gabbi, Harry's having a hard time. He's a bit nervous. Can you talk to him?" Paul asks.

"Sure." I say.

I go to Harry's dressing room to find him in only his boxers... crying?

"What's wrong babe?" I ask forcing him to look at me.

"I can't do this. I haven't done a show in almost three years." he crys.

"Baby you can do this. If you can't do it for you at least do it for me." I say rubbing circles on his back.

"No. I can't. " he stands up and faces me. I wipe his tears from his face. He just needs a bit of motivation and I know exactly what to do.

I press my lips to his and palm him through his boxers. He moans. I explore his mouth with my tongue. He becomes so much more relaxed.

"Harry show time in two. You coming out?"Louis yells through the door.

"Just a minute. " I yell back.

"Use protection, kids." Louis yells laughing.

"I can do this." Harry whispers while putting on his wardrobe. I exit the room and Harry comes out in full wardrobe while putting on the wireless mic. He pecks my lips before taking his place on stage.

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