The Beginning

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"Where am I,"I asked.

"The hospital,"Luke said.

"Luke,"I said excitedly and kissed his lips.Everyone including Luke looked at me shocked which really confused me.

"I thought you hated him,"Mikey asked.

"Why would I hate my boyfriend,"I said.

"Oh shit,get the doctor,"Cal said as Ash ran out of the room.He soon returned with a few doctors and they started asking me some questions.There were two girls in my room who I didn't know,but I knew everyone else.

"I'm afraid your sister has amnesia,"the doctor said.

"What,"Cal said as he stood up.

"Will she ever be able to recover all of her memories she lost,"Ash asked.

"Yes,but it will take some time and don't try and rush it,you have to let it come naturally,"he said.

"Is there anyway we can help her remember quicker,"Mikey asked.

"Do things that she did that she doesn't remember,it'll help trigger the memories,"he said.

"What happened that made me get into the hospital anyways,"I asked.No one responded,they all just stayed silent.

Where it Starts

"You got hurt,"Ash spoke.

"How,"I asked.

"Um, in an accident because of stressing about having to write a whole album,"he stuttered.

"Why was I writing an album,"I asked.

"You actually became a performer and it's been around a year since you started,"Cal said.

"Do people even like me,"I asked.

"Tons,your fan base is pretty big,"Ash said.

"So what all did I forget,"I asked.

"We're going to tell you the important parts,"Ash said.

"You met us at the airport because Luke bro-wanted you to go back home so you didn't miss school and that's where you met me and Mal,"the taller one said as she pointed to the shorter one who was I guess Mal.

"That was sweet of you and did we become friends,"I asked.

"You took them home with you because they ran away from their fighting parents and you broke up with Luke because long distance relationship was too hard on you,"Ash stated.

"Oh,"was all I could say as I let go of Luke's hand.

"You got a call from Sounds Records and they gave you a record deal after you posted a video of you singing on youtube,"Mal said.I think that's what her name was,I can't remember what it was.

"You went on tour and flew out to write with us for a few months,"Cal said.

"We even dated for awhile,but you were already stressed out enough with having to come up with an album,so we decided not to,"Mikey said.

"Oh god,we're still friends right,"I said.

"Yeah,we're better off as friends anyways,"he said.

"You were really stressed one day,so you went for a drive,but got hit by a truck and that's why you're in here,"Luke said.

"When can I leave,"I asked.

"In a few days,"Ash said.

A Few Days Later

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