Chapter 18

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After the interview we walked around town for about an hour,then went the arena.We ran around the arena for awhile until I ran into the stage.I run my fingers over the guitar sitting out wishing I could play but I fucked up my wrist.

"Don't worry babe,I'll get to play you soon,"I coo to the guitar.I pick it up and strum something different and I found the beat to the new song.

"That's it,but with piano,"I say with a smile.

"I like it,I can't wait to hear the new song,"Cal said from the side if the stage with the boys and Malum next to him.

"Uh,thanks I guess,"I stutter.

"Jewels,we're seriously sorry,we should've supported you,especially me,"Cal said walking over to give me a hug.I run over to my brother and pull him into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry too,I shouldn't have been such a bitch to you guys,"I say as the other boys come in for a hug.

"Alright,time to get ready,"Ash said as we all head to the dressing rooms while Malum and I ran around.

"Put me down before I nut you jackass,"I yelp.He sets me down and pulls my fave to his and lightly pecks my lips a few times.

"Stop being so cute,"I hear a familiar voice say.

"No fucking way,"I yell as I run up and hug Lydia.

"I also brought Lauren and Mal so you can try and remember them,"she says as 2 girls come walking around the corner talking.Even though I don't remember them,I still run up and hug the two girls.

"Wait do you remember us,"the shorter one that I've learned is Malory said.

"No,not yet but I hope I will soon,"iw said as the smiles in their faces dissappear.

"Jewels,it's time for you to go get ready,"Lydia yells as we hurry to my dressing room with Malum holding my waist from behind.

"Okay so how about this,"I said showing the girls a different outfit.

"How many times do we have to tell you that no matter what you pick,you'll still look beautiful,"Lauren groans.

"Haha,sorry I'm just really happy I have some girls on tour with me,"I exclaim with a chuckle.

"Babe time to go,"Malum calls for me and we head to the stage.

"Have fun bitch,"Lauren yells.

"Go crazy my ho,"Mal added.

"Rock the fuck out of this place babe,"Lyd chimes.

After the show,we all hang out and the girls get to know Malum and thankfully they really like him.

"Don't you hurt my bitch or I'll kill you,"Lydia warns.

"I don't plan on it ever,"he said.

"So how about going out tonight and celebrating,"I suggest.

"Where to,"Lauren asks.

"Nandos,"I ask and everyone agrees.Once the boys finish performing,we all head to the nearest Nandos.

1 Month Later

Tonight will be the first time Malum and I perform the new song and we're so excited to.Right now we're finishing Bulletproof Love and then playing the new song,which will be the last sing we play.

"This is our last song for tonight,I hope everyone likes it,"I said as I walk over to the piano and Malum walked off stage.

"We know full well there's just time
So is it wrong to dance this line
If your heart was full of love
Could you give it up
Cause what about what about angels
They will come they will go and make us special
Don't give me up
Don't give
Me up
How unfair it's just our luck
Found something real that's out of touch
But if you'd search the whole wide world
Would you dare to let it go
Cause what about what about angels
They will come they will go and make us special
Don't give me up
Don't give
Me up
Cause what about what about angels
They will come they will go and make us special
It's not about not about angels

Everyone applauded and so were the boys,even Luke,but he looked at me with concern and lipped me something,but I couldn't read it.

"That was the new song you've been waiting for,I hope it didn't disappoint but enough of me.Welcome to the stage the main reason everyone came and that is the one and only 5 Seconds of Summer,"I yell as the lights go out and the boys start playing.

"I need to talk to you after the show,"Luke whispers to me as he walks onto stage.

"That was amazing,especially the new song,"Lydia coos.Everyone tell me my performance was amazing and we then watch the boys play.Half way through the show,the boys were talking and somehow they started talking about me.

"So Jewels' new song everyone,"Cal says.

"I think it's a pretty amazing fucking song,"Mikey adds.

"I know right,what do you guys think,"Luke chimes as everyone screams.

"Jewels come out here,"Ash yells.I was given a mic and I walk out on stage.

"What the fuck do you want,"I scream as soon as I come into sight.

"Damn,we just wanted you to come sing Waste the Night with us,"Cal says as I scream.

"Agh,I just wanted to go take a nap,"I yell.

"You're not aloud to take one if I can't,"Mikey yells while laughing.

"Then come take a nap,I'll give you the couch and I'll get the chair,"I said.

"Neither of you are aloud to take a nap right now,"Ash interrupts.We both turn to him and scream,but end up laughing part way through.

"So are you singing Waste the Night with us or not,"Cal asked.

"Sure why not,"I say as the crowd cheers and they start the song.Luke starts off as I walk around the stage messing with Mikey and Cal,,then it's the time I sing with Luke.

"I don't wanna say goodbye to another night
And watch you walk away
And I don't wanna let it burn in the city lights
And make the same mistakes this time
I don't wanna waste it don't wanna waste it
I dont wanna waste it don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it don't wanna waste the night
I don't wanna waste it don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it don't wanna waste it
I don't wanna waste it din't wanna waste the night"

Luke took a pause and told me to sing the next verse and I did because why not.I walked to the end of the little catwalk and brought the mic to my lips and started singing.Cal sang a little bit with me since this is when he was supposed to sing.

"Scratch in your voice leaves me no choice and I
Won't give up and I can't give up "

Luke stepped back up at the front of the stage with me as we swayed to the music in sync.

"I don't wanna say goodbye to another night
And watch you walk away
And I don't want to let it burn in the city lights
And make the same mistakes this time"

Once we finished,the whole arena burst into cheers as i waved and blew a few kisses to the crowd.I turned to the boys and thanked them for letting me perform with them.

"It was fun having you up here performing with us,"Cal chimes.

"I would do this anytime you ask me,"I say as i get down off the stage and high five a bunch of fans and every once in awhile I would hug a fan.Once I got back to where everyone was,we watched the rest of the show while dancing around like retards and the boys calling us out on it.Once the show was over,Luke called me over probably for the same reason he wanted to talk earlier.

"What was that song about because I have a good assumption of what the answer is,"Luke said.I could tell he wasn't joking around,so I'm not going to lie,I'm just going to tell him the truth.

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