Chapter 37

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First walked out Mike with Mal,then Ash with Lauren,Cal being the best man and Lydia maid of honor,they walked out and everyone rose.I then walked out with Rick handing me off as Copeland was my flower girl.All my friends and family were here and it was the best thing I could ever ask for.What caught me off guard was when Cal met us half way and held my other arm.We walked all the way down the aisle as Rick sat down and Cal still stood next to me linking arms.

"Take good care of her,she's one of the last family members I have left and if I found out you aren't treating her right,you better be expecting me to beat the shit out of you,"he said with tears in his eyes and then turned to me.

"I love you sis and I'll always be here if you need anything,"he said and placed a kiss on my forehead,then handed me to Luke and walked over to where he's supposed to stand.

"You ready baby,"Luke whispered as I nodded.

"I now pronounce you man and wife,you may now kiss the bride,"the priest said and with that,our lips connected and everyone applauded for us.We walked out hand in hand as we headed to the reception.Once the reception got started,everyone was dancing with a drink in hand.I felt left out since I couldn't because of being pregnant,so I got some sprite and went back onto the floor.My drink was pulled from my hand right after I took a drink and I turned around to meet a frowning Luke.

"You shouldn't be drinking and I know you know that.Do you want to harm the baby,"Luke said making me laugh.

"Calm down Luke,I'm not that stupid you know.Take a drink I swear it's not what you think it is,"I said.He brought the cup to his lips and took a drink.He handed it back to me as we danced a bit more until our dj told everyone but Luke and I back to their seats.

"I think it's time for the bride and grooms first dance,"he said as everyone cheered.We linked together as the music started and we started slow dancing.

"You know I love you so much right,"Luke said making me giggle a bit.

"Well I hope so because if not,what's the point of getting married,"I said.

"I was just making sure,"he said while laughing.He leaned in and kissed my nose lightly letting it linger there for a bit then pulling away.

"And how's my baby doing down there,"he said looking down.

"I think we're doing good,"I said.

"Good because I can't wait to see my baby,"he said.

"Are we ever going to tell the fans about us,"I asked.

"I don't know,everything's been going fine without them knowing and if they were to know,people would do everything in their power to separate us,"he said.

"I want to tell them,but at the same time I don't,"I said as he lightly pecked my lips a few times.

"If we tell them,I won't let them get between us I promise babygirl,"he said.

"So we going to do it,"he asked as I thought for a second.

"Yeah,let's do it,"I said.

"How do we do it,"he asked.

"We get the boys to take pictures with me pretending to marrying me.I fool around with the boys and them one of us fooling around and then a few pictures from the wedding,"I said.

"I love that idea,"he said.

"We could post pictures from the wedding that we could get from the photographer,"I suggested.

"Yeah and if I'm correct,the hey took some videos too,"he said.

"Well,I guess we know how we're telling fans,"I said.

"When will we be posting these pictures,"he asked.

"A few days after tonight,"I said.

A Few Days Later

"Okay,ready guys,"I said as the boys nodded.Ash posted a video of Mike licking my hand while I laughed and all of there captions said 'to the newly weds' and then tagged the boy in the picture.Cal had a video of Ash and I kissing each other's cheek,Luke had a video of Cal kissing my forehead and then pulling me into a hug.Mike had a video of Luke kissing my forehead then breaking out into dance.I posted a picture of all the boys all marrying each other as they all held hands.We waited a few minutes and decided it was time to post the real thing.

"Ready,"Luke said as I nodded.This time Ash posted a video of me walking down the aisle with Luke waiting at the end and captioned it with 'congrats to the actual newly weds,hope all goes well.'Mike posted a video of the toast Luke made and said 'these two are both fucking idiots,idk if this marriage gonna last,but have fun u dip sticks😂.'Cal posted my toast to Luke and said 'glad to c my lil sis growing up and now growing old with one of my best mates,hurt her and I'll rip ur dick off.'Luke posted the video of our first dance and left in the parts where he kissed me to show that he was serious about being with me and said 'I'm glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with my babygirl,I love you with all my heart.I cherish every moment I spend with you and hope to make loads more if amazing memories with you baby😘❤💙.'I was last and posted the video of when we cut the cake and I gave him a small taste of the cake and then squished it in his face.He pouted a bit,but scraped some off his face and onto his finger and plopped onto my nose.I grabbed ahold of his face and licked some off his cheek making him laugh along with everyone else and then he kissed my nose to get the frosting off my nose.I captioned it with 'I had to do it boo I'm sorry,but I'm so glad I get to be apart of a family that actually cared where as my family I only had a few who cared.I can't wait to start our own little family,I love you with all my heart.To my one and only true love @lukehemmings ❤💙.'I put my phone down and refused to look at the comments.For the rest of the day,I stayed away from all social media and worked on a new song.

"Hey baby you hungry,"Luke asked opening the door to our room.

"Yeah a little bit,"I said.

"Grab your shoes and lets go,"he said.

"Where are we going,"I asked as I slipped on my shoes and took my leather jacket from the hook it was on.

"How does Italian sound,"he said.

"I'm craving tacos,"I said.

"Tacos it is,"he said as we walked hand in hand down the sidewalk just talking about baby things.

"What do you think about the name Star for girl,"I asked.

"Not bad,but how about Scarlett,"he said.

"I like it,"I said swinging our arms.We soon arrived at Taco Bell because that's my life and we got our food and sat down.

"What about for a boy,"he asked.

"I think we should take Cal up on his offer and do Calum junior,"I said as he laughed.

"Don't get me wrong,I love Calum,but we are not naming a kid after him,"he said.

"I just thought of the name Taylor for a girl,"I blurted out.

"I love it,"he said.I saw over Luke's shoulder that there was a few girls taking a video of us.

"I love was thinking the name Vincent,"I suggested.

"I really like that,but I also like Ryker,"he said.

"I like that one too,"I said.

"Give me your hands,"Luke said as I put my hands in his.He turned my arms upside down and pulled up my sleeves to reveal the old scars which made him smile.

"I'm so happy to see no new cuts on your beautiful wrists baby,"he said and kissed my old scars.

"Can we go,there's a few girls over there who have been pointing their cameras at us for a good 5 minutes,"I said as he got up and took my hand as we walked out.

"I'd suggest going to a club for a bit,but that'd be just mean to you,"he said as we headed back to the house.

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