Chapter 39

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1 Year Later

I ended giving birth to our now 6 month old Ryker and Luke doesn't ever let him leave his sight.Cal loves playing with him and it's cute when he does.All the boys play with him,but Mike as always asking if he can dye his hair.

"No Mike,you're not aloud to dye his hair,"I yelled for the fourth time.

"Come on,if Luke makes it look like he's going soft,we loose our punk rock look.So if the kid has colored hair,we can still have our reputation,"he explained for I think the sixth time.

"Michael,she said no,"Luke said from the couch.

"Butt out Hemmings,"Mikey said.

"Ryker's my child as much as he is Jewels',"Luke stated.

"She gave birth to him,"Mike said.

"But it takes two to make a baby,"Luke protested.

"Fine,I won't die the kid's hair,"Mike said defeated.

"Thanks baby,"I said walking into the kitchen.I quickly made a bottle and walked back over to where Ryker was laying.I sat down on the floor in front of him as I fed him even though he spit out half of it.

"Would you stop spitting basically the entire thing back out and just drink it,"I said in a baby voice making him giggle.

"How's my little boy doing,"Luke said sitting down next to me.

"Spitting out most of his food that's how he's doing,"I said as Luke picked him up.He set him in his crib as we sat down and watched a bit of tv.

"Hey,we're heading out to a club,we'll see you guys when we get back,"Cal said.

"Bye little man,"Mike said.

"I'll be back soon young one,"Cal said kissing Ryker's forehead and then they left.

"I'm hungry,"I said getting up and walking to the kitchen.I felt arms wrap around me making me smile.

"How does McDonald's sound,"Luke asked.

"Sounds good,"I said.He leaned in and kissed my lips for a hood minute or so and pulled away.

"That feels good,"I said making him laugh.

"Stop,"he said laughing.

"Fine,"I whined.

"Okay,I'll go get the food,I'll be right back baby,"he said grabbing his keys and walking out the door.I picked up Ryker since he started crying and walking around with him.

"We'll never be as young as we are now,it's time to leave this old black and white town.Lets seize the day,lets run away,don't let colors fade to grey.We'll never be as young as we are now,as young as we are now,"I sang as Ryker fell asleep in my arms.I soon heard the door open and when I turned around,I saw someone I didn't know.

"Um,who are you and why are you here,"I asked.

"My name's Arzaylea and I'm Luke's girlfriend,now who are you,"she snapped.

"I'm Jewlisa Luke's wife and I don't believe you are dating him,he wouldn't do that to me,"I said.She pulled out her phone and showed me messages from him saying how much he loved her.I checked the number and it was him as tears started forming in my eyes.

"How could he,"I thought out loud.

"I'm sorry honey,but now you know and can move on from him,"she said as walked back towards the door.

"I thought you would've wanted to know the truth about how he's a cheat sweetie,"she said and walked out.I layed Ryker in his crib and packed a suitcase of close for Ryker and I and then picked him back up out of his crib.I let him in his car seat in the back of my car and then climbed into the driver's seat.I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the closest hotel and went inside.I got a suite knowing that I'm probably going to be here awhile and headed to my room.I walked on at sat Ryker on the bed still in his seat and sat down next to him.My phone started going off like crazy as I looked to see messages from Luke.

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