Chapter 3

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Once we got to the house,I flopped on the couch and groaned.I'm surprised I didn't completely fuck up the whole thing today.

"What do you want for supper little miss,"Ash said.

"Tacos,"I said as I shot up.

"Okay,I guess we're having tacos and now we all owe Cal 20 bucks,"Ash yelled.I heard multiple groans and a 'fuck you' with a laugh afterwards.

"Guys,I'm tired and hungry,what do I do,"I whined.

"Take a nap and we'll wake you up when we have tacos ready,"Ash said as I ran back to the couch and got comfy and soon fell asleep.

Luke's P.O.V

"Do you think it worked,"Mikey asked.

"I don't know,we'll have to wait and see,"Ash stated.

"But what if it didn't,"Cal said with a hint of worry in his tone.

"Then we'll have to think of something else,"I say.

"Well,I say we just get taco bell because none of us can cook very well,"Ash said as he left to go get it.

"We should get some movies for tonight,"Mikey said.

"Sounds like a plan and I'm going with you because then you'll come back with shitty movies,"Cal said as they argued about his choice in movies as they left.I sat down in the open space by her stomach.I moved a peice of hair out of her face making her stir and eyes slowly open to meet mine.

"Hey,"she simply said with a smile.

"Hey,"I said back.

"What's up my penguin,"she said and wrapped her arms around my waist and set her head next to my hip.

"Not much,I was just think about singing the song you wrote when you had to leave and our break up not long after,"I said.

"Can you sing it,maybe it'll help me remember,"she said as I grabbed my guitar and started strumming while she just watched.

"For awhile we pretended
That we never had to end it
But we knew we had to say goodbye
You were crying at the airport
When they finally closed the plane doors
I could barely hold it all inside
Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
I would fly a thousand oceans
But there's nothing that compares to
What we had and so I walk alone
I wish I didn't have to be gone
Maybe you've already moved on
But the truth is that I don't want to know
Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
You say we'll be together someday
Nothing last forever
And nothing stays the same
So why can't I stop feeling this way
Torn in two
And I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you
Wherever you are
Wherever you are
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are"

"Wait,so I wrote that,"she asked and I nodded.I saw that she was about to cry,so I stood up and hugged her.She clung to my neck as I pulled her close to me.Cal and Mikey quietly walked in and saw us,but quietly closed the door and walked out when they heard her crying.I saw them wait in the car and told Ash not to go in when he arrived through the window.

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