Chapter 40

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The plane soon landed and I grabbed Ryker and got off to see Liz waiting for me.I walked quickly and hugged her tightly after putting Ryker down by my side.I immediately broke down into tears and she rubbed my back telling me everything was okay and that she was here.We soon headed back to her house and I went up the stairs.I could sleep in Luke's room or the guest room and I don't know which to go in.Without Luke,falling asleep at night is so difficult,but if I sleep in his room,everything that girl told me comes flooding back.I just dicided to sleep on the guest room and I took Ryker out of his seat since he started crying.I walked around with him hoping it would sooth him,but that didn't work.

"Honey I don't know what you want I'm sorry,"I said as tears started spilling from my eyes.Liz rushed over and took him from me as I went for a walk.I was a few blocks from my house at a park Luke and I used to go and the tears came again.I covered my mouth with my sleeve to silence me a bit,but nothing could silence the pain I feel.After a few minutes I walked back to the house to here silence other than a chopping sound come from the kitchen.I walked in to see Liz chopping some carrots and throwing them in a pot.I walked over and started chopping the tomatoes,but she took the knife from my hands.

"It's okay honey,just go be with your baby and I'll get the food,"she said.

"You sure,"I questioned.

"Positive,"she said pushing my out if the kitchen.I picked up my baby that was walking towards the stairs and set him next to me on the couch.

"Hey Liz,I'm going to take Ryker to the park for a little bit,"I called.

"Okay,food will be ready in about half an hour,"she called as I pulled out the stroller Liz had and walked to the park.Once we got there,I let him slide down the slide a few times,then put him in the swing.I heard someone talking and I turned around to see a girl on the phone looking at me.I quickly picked up Ryker and hurried back to the house.

"Back so soon,"Liz said,but quickly rushed to me when she saw the panic in my eyes.

"I think they know now,"I said.

"How,"she asked.

"Someone was staring at me while on their phone and once they saw they were noticed,they hung up almost immediately,"I explained.Right then the landline started ringing as we both stood there not saying a word or moving.Liz hesitated,but answered the phone to a worried and angry Luke.

"Why didn't you tell me she was at your house,"he yelled.He wasn't on speaker,but I could hear him clearly,that's how mad he was.

"Because she needs time Luke,"Liz said softly.

"What did I do wrong,"he asked.

"I don't know,but leave her alone right now,"she said.

"No,I'm flying out there now,I'll be there tomorrow afternoon,"he said.I took the phone from Liz and hesitated,but soon spoke.

"I'm only going to keep moving Luke,I just need some time to think some things over,"I said.

"I'm still coming,just stay at the house and we can talk about what's wrong okay,I love you,"he said.

"Yeah,"I said and then hung up.

"So what's going on,"Liz asked.

"He's coming here and we're talking,"I explained.

"Are you sure you'll be able to,"she asked as I nodded.We ate the food Liz made and I went up to bed.I couldn't sleep that night,so I went into Luke's old room and looked around.I looked at everything that caught my eye,then layed down on the bed and soon fell asleep.

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