Chapter 38

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While we were walking back to the house,we stopped at a baby store and got a few things and left.

"So,if you could have anything in the world,what would it be,"I asked.

"I already have what I want,"he said making me push on his shoulder.

"Fine,if you could have one super power,what would it be and you can't say spaghetti shooting out of your fingers,"I said.

"I don't know then,"he said.

"Ugh,you can be so difficult you know,"I whined.

"I know,but so can you,"he said.

"Wow,stooping to the pregnant one's level now huh,"I said making him laugh.

"I want chocolate,"I said.

"Well then lets go get some because it does sound good right now,"he said as we searched for a chocolate shop since LA has a shop for pretty much anything.Once we found one,we went inside and got a bunch of chocolate and some chocolate covered strawberries because why not.

"Lets call for a car,"Luke said as he pulled out his phone and brought it to his ear.

"Hey,can you send Jewels and I a car,"he asked.

"Okay thanks,we're on St.James Street,"he said looking at a sign. (I don't know if that's an actual street.)

"Okay,we'll see you in a few,"he replied and hung up.

"They're bringing us a car,but it's a short walk to where it'll be at,"he said as we started walking.

"Hey Luke,"someone yelled and we turned around to see someone running towards us.

"Hey,what's your name,"he said sweetly while giving her a hug.

"My name is Kelly,how are you,"she said.

"Hi Kelly and I'm doing good,you,"he said.

"Great,can I have a picture,"she asked.

"Sure,"Luke said as he stood next to her as she took the picture.

"I need to know how you curl your hair like that because mine will never stay curled,"I said.

"My hair curls easily,but I out hair spray in my hair before I start curling and then curl it and putting another good coat on,then when I'm finished,I add a heavy coat just to make sure it stays,"she says.

"Thanks,you should help me with that some day,"I said as her eyes lit up.

"Really,you don't even know me,I could be a cereal killer and you'd just let me come to your house and hang out,"she questioned.

"Yeah,you seem sweet and nice,so I'd like to get to know you,"I said.

"You're so sweet,I don't understand why everyone thinks you're such a horrible person,"she said.

"I don't know what I ever did to them honestly and if I did something,I would like to know what I've done wrong,"I said.

"You haven't done anything wrong,the haters are just jealous that you have the life they want,"she said.

"Thanks,but I'd rather not think that way,"I say.

"Well I gotta go,"she said.

"Put your number in my phone and I'll set up a day when we can do that,"I said as I handed her my phone and she put it in.She then walked off as we went back to heading to the car.

"Luke Hemmings is that you,"another person yelled.We looked back and saw a group of girls running towards us.They pushed me aside and surrounded Luke.

"Come here babe,"Luke said holding his hand out to me.I hesitated,but took his hand as he pulled me close.I could feel the hate I was going to get for this already,so I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over.

"Can we get a picture,"someone asked.

"Yeah,"he said and I could feel him lean,but still held me close.

"Dude,he's taking pictures with us,can you back the fuck up from him,"one whispered to me.

"Hey,I'm going to head to the car,"icm said.

"Okay,see you in a few,"he said kissing my lips lightly before letting go of me.Once I was a good distance from him,I broke down into tears.Being pregnant really fucked with my emotions and I guess it made me softer.

"God you're such a clingy bitch,why can't you just do anything right you little slut,"I thought to myself.Tears were still falling as I climbed onto the car and let everything else and once I saw Luke walking to the car,I stopped myself from crying and made it look like I wasn't the best I could.Luckily when he got in he didn't notice and we headed to the house.Once we got there,I went to take a shower and headed to my room.

Trigger Warning

Once I got into the shower,I brought the blade to my wrist and led it from one end of my wrist to the other.I also left a few on my inner thigh and then turned the water off since that was the last thing I did.

Trigger Over

I walked out if my room in just a towel and walked into Luke's room to grab on off his shirts.

"Hey baby,"he cooed as he kissed my cheek.

"Hey,"I said putting on a fake smile.I pulled out one of his shirts and slipped it on without him seeing the fresh cuts.I climbed into the bed as he finished brushing his teeth,then climbed in next to me.

"What the fuck is this Jewlisa,"Luke yelled so loud that it woke me up.

"What the hell Luke,why are you yelling at me,you just woke me up,how could I have done something wrong already,"I yelled back.He threw a magazine with us on the cover and slammed the door closed behind him when he walked out.I picked up the magazine to see a picture of me from last night walking to the car with tears running down my face.In bold letters at the top said '5 Second of Summer's Luke Hemmings out with new wife Jewlisa Hemmings.Jewlisa walks to car in tears suddenly leaving Hemmings with fans.'

"Luke,"I yelled as I hurried down the stairs to the living room where he was sitting with his head in his hands.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me something was wrong,"he yelled looking up with tears running down his face like mine.

"Because one of those girls basically called me a clingy bitch and I'm sorry for my emotions taking over and thoughts kicking in,"I yelled.

"Baby,how many times do I need to tell you that what they say about you doesn't matter,"he yelled.

"I'm sorry,I can't help that I don't know how to fucking love myself because every time I try people make me feel like shit,"I yelled.He didn't say anything,only turned around and walked out slamming the door.

"Wow,walk out on me,fuck you too,"I snapped under my breathe and went up the stairs.I sat on our bed for a few minutes bawling my eyes out when my phone went off.I checked it to see a post from Luke and it was pictures of my snap chats I sent him and one of the ring.He captioned it with 'Can you all just stop saying shit about her.I don't understand what she did wrong considering that all she ever does is try to please you people,but you refuse to give her a chance.I wouldn't be married to her if she was rude,so do me a favor and give a fucking chance because she's amazing once you get to know her.'I got a message from him telling me to head to the park a few blocks from the house,so I got up and ran to the park.Once I got there,I looked around and once I spotted him,I sprinted as fast as I could and jumped in his arms when I got close.

"I'm sorry baby,I was just so worried when I saw the magazine,"he said holding me close.

"I'm sorry for not saying anything,we're a team now,"I said.

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