Chapter 7

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I shot up in tears and covered in sweat with Luke laying peacefully asleep next to me.I got up and went to the bathroom and splashed water in my face.I went back to the room and layed down,but Luke rolled over and wrapped his arms around my waist and lightly kissed my neck.I freaked out a bit,so I pushed him way and fell out of the bed.

"Jewels what hell,"Luke about yelled.

"Stay away from me,"I said.

"Jewels what's wrong,"Luke asked.

"Just stay away please,"I said.

"Please explain why you're so afraid of me,"Luke pleaded.

"I just had a dream that you did that exact thing,"I said and he looked at me confused.

"You were a vampire and you killed me,"I said.

"Jewels,I'm human,you're fine I won't hurt you,"Luke said,slowly walking towards me.As he got closer,I backed away accidentally knocking over a vase and soon after I ran into the wall.He put a hand on both sides of my head and that's when I started panicking.I grabbed one of the broken vase shards and cut myself with it.

"Jewels,why the hell did you do that,"Luke yelled as he looked at my hand.He quickly went to the bathroom and came back out with bandages.After a few minutes,my hand was wrapped as Luke carried me to the bed.

"Don't ever do that again,"Luke scolded as I nodded.He layed down after I did and pulled me close.He left a few kisses on my neck,but soon I drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to an empty bed,so I went downstairs to find all the boys sitting on the couch.

"Yay,you're finally up,now go make food,"Mikey said.

"Why can't you make it yourself,"I asked as I went to the kitchen.

"Because I don't know how,I burn it every damn time,"Mikey yells.I start making bacon and eggs when someone wrapped their arms around me.

"You know you don't have to cook for us right,"Luke mumbled.

"Yeah,but I've been craving bacon a lot lately,"I said.

"Good because you look very sexy when you cook,"he said,slapping me in the ass.

"Don't ever do that again Hemmings,"I yell.I soon feel his arms wrap around me once again,but this time I felt his hands slide down lower which I stopped him.

"Not happening,"I scolded.

"Oh why not,"he pouted.

"We're in the kitchen and the boys could hear,"I scolded once more.

"Then be quiet,"he said as a he tried again.

"Luke no,"I scolded for the third time.

"How can I repay you then,"he asked as he dropped his head to my neck.

"I don't know and I don't care either,"I told him.He tried sticking his hand in my panties again and I swatted away again.

"Do it again and you'll regret it Hemmings,"I said as I went to grab plates as he still held onto my waist.I was grabbing plates when he tried again.I set the plates on the counter and turned around while he just smirked at me.I just smiled and palmed him through his jeans making him moan.I pushed him out to the living room,still palming him as the boys just looked confused and shocked.I pushed him onto the couch and let go of his crotch as he just stared up at me.

"Luke stay,"I told him and turned to go back to the kitchen.

"Your ass looks nice baby,"Luke yelled.

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