Chapter 14

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I woke up to see Malin sitting at the edge of his bed with coffee.I sat up and went and sat next to him while we watched the TV in silence until he broke it.

"Why's you lie to me,"he says and looks at me.

"What,"I questioned.

"You said you were those for guys' assistant when you're really famous,"he clears.

"How'd you find out,"I asked in shock.

"This magazine,"he says and hands me the magazine.The cover is pictures of us walking to the car from the club last night.In big bold letting,the words '5sos and sister of Calum Hood from the band spotted leaving a club.Singer Jewelisa Hood with mystery boy' across the top of the page.

"I didn't want to scare you away with the whole famous thing because it's a lot harder than you think it is,"I quickly explain.

"I'm fine with you being famous,but when we're you planning on telling me,"he asks.

"I don't know honestly,I was afraid if I told you I was famous right away,it would scare you off and I really liked having you around and didn't want to lose you,"I tell him truthfully.

"I don't care if you were a nobody like me,I would still want to be friends with you,"he says.

"Well,you're not going to be a nobody for long because any social media,the fans will find you and try to find any signs of dating and follow you,"I explain.My phone vibrates and when I check it,I quickly run around the room.

"Why the sudden outburst,"Malum asks while laughing.

"I have an interview in an hour,"I say quickly finding something to wear and running to the bathroom.I brush my hair and teeth and grab my shoes.

"You can come with me if you,it would be better than being stuck in a hotel room all day and then we could probably do something before I have to go perform,"I say as he grabs his shoes and we head out.Once we get to the radio station the interview is at,I get out followed by Cal,Mikey,Luke,Ash,then Malum and he walks straight up to me and I can tell he feels a bit awkward.

"Stop being awkward and relax,"I tell him and he instantly relaxes.He stood a little but away as I met fans,but I went over to him as he looked at the ground as he thought.

"You look bored,"I said startling him a bit.

"Do you always do this,"he asks asks I walk the rest of the way with him.

"Yeah,my fans are amazing and I would love to get to know them all personally,but that's impossible,"I say as we go our separate ways since he can't come into the interview area with us.

After the interview,we go back to the car,but I have the driver drop me and Malum off at a little café.We went inside and got some coffee and waited for our food.I pulled out my phone and held it up to take a picture of Malum and he made two peace signs while I laughed at him.

"You're such a dork,"I say.

"I can't help it,all the weirdness radiates off you,"he says making me laugh harder.Our food soon came and we ate while talking about random things.We left and we decided on walking to the venue because it gives us more time to hang out.

"I never asked,but what did you do to your wrist,"he asks while lifting my broken wrist.

"Um,well I punched a cabinet,"I say scratching the back of my neck.

"Why's you do that,"he said laughing a bit.

"Well,one of guys I'm on tour with find my razor I cut with,"I said and his laughing immediately stopped and so did his walking.

"Why do you do it,I don't see any reason why you need to,"he says.

"Well,my ex is one of the other boys I'm touring with and he had a panic attack and ended up in the hospital because my brother hit me by accident while he was drunk and I ran off and got attack,then passed out so he had to carry me to the house,but got mobbed and yeah,"I say with a tear roll down my cheek,but he wiped it away with his thumb.

"You don't need that stupid razor,you got me now and I promise I won't leave,"he says looking right in the eyes.

"Shop getting sappy Malum,"I whine and pull away from him,but he grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him for a hug and I hug back.

"We still don't know who this is,can you give us a name?"

"Young man,what's your name?"

I bet you know who that is and if you guessed paps then you're correct.I darted off to the venue with Malum next to me.We soon escaped the paps and were at the venue a few minutes later.

"Get on my back,"he tells me and crouches down.I hope on his back as he stands up again and walks into the arena.

"So this is what it's like to be tall,"I blurt out making Malum laugh.

"Yes,this is what it's like you idiot,"he says.We were walking down the backstage corridors when Malum starts spinning.

"Stop spinning you jackass,"I yell while giggling.

"Do I look like a donkey to you,"he says as he stops spinning as I think for a second before I respond.

".......yes,"I say as he starts spinning again,but faster this time.I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and bury my head into his neck as he laughs at me.I here someone clear their throat and Malum hears it too as he stops spinning to see Luke standing their.

"Uh,Jewels,can I uh,talk to you,alone,"he says while scratching the back of his neck as I nod my head.

"I'll be right back,you can head to my dressing room snd wait for me there,"I tell Malum.

"Alright,see you in a bit,"he says as he gives me a hug and walks towards my dressing room as I walk over to Luke.

"You need to understand that I didn't mean to do what I did,"he says.

"And you think that I'm just going to let this blow over,"I say in shock that he would think I would just forget it.

"I need to get my life situated,so I need some time to think if this is what I really want,"I say.

"Okay,but I just want to say that I know it was a mistake and if I could take it back,I would without a doubt,"Luke says as he looks me in the eyes.I looked down and walked back to my dressing room to get ready.I heard something happening from the inside and when I went in,I was shocked that I never knew this about Malum.

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