Chapter 35

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We soon left and headed to the house.I sat between Luke and Ash and I could tell Ash felt awkward since Luke had his hand on my inner thigh.

"We should go out,"Cal blurted out.

"What do you mean by that,"Luke questioned.

"When it gets later,why don't we head to a club,but for now we just walk around,"he explained.We all agreed as we decided on going to the mall just to walk and if we wanted,to shop.I felt someone grab my hand and when I looked up,I saw Luke just casually walking.As we walked,I dragged him into a few stores just for his opinion.We stopped in a few baby stores and bought a few things,but that's it really.

"Ashton,"someone yelled as we walked out of the store.Luke pulled his hand away from mine as the fan came towards us with phone in the air.

"I never would've guessed to see you guys here,"they said.

"Hey,I feel like I'm about to vomit again,I'll be right back,"I'll told Luke as he nodded and I walked to the bathroom.I splashed some water on my face and pulled some of my insides before I walked back over to the boys.

"Feeling any better,"Luke asked when I got back over.

"Yeah,"I simply said as fans walked off elsewhere.

"Do you think they noticed,"Luke whispered grabbing my hand again.

"I don't know,I don't think so,"I said.We walked hand in hand through the mall with the boys all around us.

"Luke fucking Hemmings,"someone yelled and when we looked back a few fans ran towards us while a few stayed back taking either pictures and or videos.We moved away from each other making it look like we were just walking next to each other.After a few pictures and a bit of small talk,they left and I phones haven't stop blowing up even a few minutes before they came here.I checked my phone and about passed from what I saw.

"Shit,"I groaned quietly.

"What,"Mike asked.I showed him my phone screen and he understood why I was panicking.Luke pulled my phone out of my hand and all the color in his face was drained.

"We need to go home now,"Luke said as we all walked out of the mall.

"We're taking the car to the beach house if that's okay,"Luke said as the boys nodded.We hurried to the car and sped out of the mall parking lot.I could tell Luke was freaking out,so as we were driving through a wooded area I thought of how to calm him down.

"Pull over,"I said as he did as I told him.I climbed over into Luke's lap which caught him off guard.I layed his seat down and kissed his lips roughly.I could feel his bulge slowly growing under me as I rolled my hips.He threw his head back and moaned as I unbuttoned his jeans.He wiggled down under his knees and I did the same.I climbed back on top of him and then things happened and protection was involved.I wiggled back in my jeans as did he and we got back on the road.Once we got there,I looked around the house while Luke went off to do whatever it was he needed to do.The house was big and pretty I must say and once I found Luke he was on the phone.

"Yes mom,we'll come visit you soon I promise,"he said standing in front of a big window.

"Yeah,we still have it a secret,"he said sadly.

"Jewels doesn't want fans knowing,"he explained.

"I don't know,when I asked her about saying something she zoned out and when she came out,she looked panicked and shot the idea down immediately,"he said.

"I'm sure she's fi-you think that could be the reason,"he started,but stopped and changed what he was going to say.

"I doubt she's afraid of the fans mom,"he said.

"Well yeah I guess if I was in her shoes,I would be scared of that,"he said.

"Uh-mom,can I ask you something because this has been bugging me since that sane day we were just talking about,"he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"If it's not the fans,do you think that she just doesn't love me anymore,"he said hanging his head.

"I know it's crazy,but that can always be a possibility,"he said.

"Yeah,I'll try talking to her about it,"he said.

"Yeah,we'll come out to see you and dad soon,"he said as I walked away so it didn't seem like I was listening in.I felt arms wrapped around me and a head rest in my shoulder.

"How long have you guys had this house,"I asked turning to see Luke smiling at me.

"We've had it for about 3 months now,"he said.

"Why didn't you ever tell me,"I asked as he shrugged his shoulders.

"How long are we staying here,"I asked.

"Probably until the whole holding hands thing blows over,"he said.

"So that's going to be a but then I guess,"I said as he nodded.I walked over to the speakers and plugged in my phone and played some music.I walked back over to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"I love you Luke,"I said looking him in the eyes.

"I love you Jewels,"he said as he slowly leaned and soon our lips connected.We just slow danced to the music in the middle of the living room while kissing a bit.After a few songs,Luke started getting really touchy and would let his hands roam all over my body and roughly kiss my lips.In between song changes,he picked me up and layed me on the couch while hovering above me.

"In the car wasn't good enough,I'm here for the real deal baby,"he said.He dropped his head and went to my neck and lightly sucked.I immediately tugged at the hem of his shirt as he pulled it off revealing his chest.I dropped my hands to his jeans and unbuttoned them as he kissed my neck.

"Shit,I forgot something,"Luke mumbled as he stood up off my me.

"What is it,"I asked sitting up and sitting criss-cross on the couch.

"I need to go grab a few things from the house,"he said zipping up his pants,outing his shirt back on,and grabbing his keys.

"I'll be right back baby,"he said as he kissed my forehead and walked out.I looked around the house and stumbled across rooms with each boys' name on a door.I first walked into Ash's and looked around a bit.His room was a natural looking green like what fresh grass looks like.I went to Mike's next and it was red and black like Mike's old 'man cave' was.Cal's room was a normal blue with hints of gold,two of dad's favorite colors.Last Luke's was a simply black and white since he doesn't ever want something big and outgoing.The pillows on the bed were black and white with red sheets and a all black blanket.I looked around the room and saw on of his shirts laying on the bathroom floor,so I switched from my going out in public clothes to my underwear and his nirvana band tee.

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