Chapter 20

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I waited in my dressing room for a few minutes and soon the two girls walked in as Dave closed the door behind them.I motioned them to sit down in the chairs in front of Malum and I.As soon as they sat down I leaned forward and looked them straight in the eyes so they knew I was serious.

"Please tell me one of you plays guitar and the other plays bass,"I said as they look at each other.

"Um,I play bass and she plays guitar,why do you what to know,"the taller one said and pointed at the shorter one.The taller one was around the same height as Malum,I think a bit taller and the shorter one was a few inches shorter than Malum.

"You know why I'm asking,"I said looking them in the eyes,knowing that they knew something was going to happen when I asked to meet with them backstage.

"We have a good guess,but we don't want to jump to conclusions,"the shorter one states.

"Well,if your guess was that I wanted you to join me on tour,then you are one hundred percent correct,"I said as they nodded their heads.

"That's what we were thinking,but we had a small part of us that believed that it was just about something small,"the taller one explains.

"Well,what do you say,would you like to come on tour with us,"I asked as they nodded their heads and we all stood up.

"Welcome to the band,but first we need to come up with a name for us,"I said as their faces lit up.

"We've been looking for someone to join our band and we can use our band name if you want,"the shorter one explained.

"Lets hear it,"Malum said.

"Kosmic Chaos,"they said in unison as we nodded yes.

"I can't believe I completely forget to ask,but what are your names and how old are you,"I said as they laughed a bit.

"My name is Samantha,but everyone calls me Sam for short and I'm 20,"the taller one said.

"I can't believe you're just barely taller than me,"Malum pouts.

"Everyone in my family is tall and believe me or not,but I'm the shortest in my family,"Sam explained.She was good 5'8 or 5'9 so I can image how short I'll feel standing next to them.

"Who's the tallest person in your family,"I asked.

"That would be my uncle and he's a good 7'2 7'3,"she says as my jaw drops.

"Not to be mean,but if I feel short now,then I'm not ever going to your house to meet your family,"I said while she laughed.

"Okay,now same questions for you,"I said turning to the shorter of the two.

"I'm Amanda and I recently turned 21,"she said.

"Just like me,she's the runt of her family,"Sam said.

"I am too as you can tell by my 5 foot figure while my mom was 5'5 and dad was around 6 foot like Cal,"I explain.

"Well,at least I'm not the only short one now,"Amanda said while laughing.

"Dude,you're 5'4 while I'm down here,"I said.Those few inches may not seem like it'd be that much,but it really is.

"Shhhhh,just let it happen,"Amanda said putting a finger over my lips,then cradling my head.

"You know what,to celebrate you two joining us,I'm making a video about this,"I said as I pulled out my phone and started the video.

"If you weren't at the concert tonight,then you missed these to beauties from the crowd sing.But I just wanted to let you all know that they are so cool.The taller one is Samantha,but call her Sam and the short one is Amanda.Don't hate on them because I have found me some new friends without a doubt.Also,they're in the band and we have a name picked out that everyone will find out about later okay bye,"I said as I rushed the last sentence as fast as possible and ended the video and posted to Instagram,Twitter,and Facebook.I immediately had people commenting about how they really couldn't understand the last sentence and others were freaking out about the news and wanting to know what the band's name was and what's in store for the future.

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