Chapter 32

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I heard a few voices and the door open and close again.Soon after,there was a knock on the door to my room which got me nervous.Luke walked through the door and gawked at what I did.

"Too much,"I said as I sat up.He shook his head no as he walked towards me and placed a soft kiss onto my forehead and then my nose.

"If you don't mind,I need to take a quick shower,"he said.

"That's fine,I probably should've took one too,"I said as a smirk rose to his face.

"Wanna join me,"he said.

"No,you have to wait mister,"I said as he groaned in defeat and walked to his room to shower while I walked into my bathroom.I quickly washed myself and when I got out,I got dressed in my lingerie and walked into the hall.I heard Luke's moans fill pretty much the whole upstairs with his moans,so I quickly snuck downstairs.I got one of our kitchen table chairs and carried it to my room.I write a note saying to sit here and set it on the chair,then walked back down the stairs to get my phone that I left.I saw I had a missed call from Lydia,so I called her back and she answered almost immediately.

"Why didn't you answer me the first time,"she yelled.

"Because I was in the shower,"I yelled back making both us laugh.

"So what are you up to,"she asked.I felt arms snake around my waist and lips attach to my neck.

"Aye,I told you to sit in the chair,"I yelled.

"I heard you yell,so I came to check and make sure everything's okay,"Luke whispered.

"What,"Lydia asked.

"I was making Luke food and it was going to be a surprise of what I was making him,but he didn't stay in the chair like I told him,"I lied.They know about us together,just not that we're married and they honestly don't need to know about what's about to go down.

"But weren't you just in the shower,"she questioned.

"Yeah,but I saw him just sitting doing nothing,so I was about to start cooking,"I lied once again.

"Oh okay,well I'll let you go back to what you were doing,talk to you later and don't do anything my grandma wouldn't do,"she said while we both laughed and then the line went dead.

"If only you knew,"I said to myself.Once again,lips attached to my neck and arms wrapped around me.A knock on the door broke us apart and made Luke groan as he walked to the door with me following behind.He opened the door to see Malum standing there will tears streaming down his face.

"Oh my god Malum,are you okay,what happened,come in and explain,"I said as I came out from behind Luke and pulled him in.We sat on the couch as Luke sat behind me with his hand on my knee.

"Alex was cheating on me and I caught him in the act,"Malum spilled.

"When did this happen,"I asked.

"Right before I walked over here.I walked into the house and he was making out with another guy,"he said.

"Do I have permission to kill him,"I asked and he nodded.

"You're not leaving this house looking like that,"Luke said.

"Fine,I'll do that tomorrow,"I whined making them both laugh.

"I'm guessing I interrupted something,"Malum said.

"No it's fine,where are you staying for tonight,"I asked.

"I called Sam and Amanda and they said I could stay with them,"he said.

"Okay,well come over tomorrow around 3 and we'll go pay the asshole a visit,"I said making him laugh,but he agreed.I lead him out and once I shut the door,Luke carried bridal style up the stairs.He dropped me right outside the door and opened it for me.After he walked in,he closed the door and locked it,then sat down in the chair making me laugh a bit.I lightly swayed my hips in front of  him as he groaned and moaned.After a few minutes,he pulled me down onto him while I kept swaying my hips and he bucked his hips creating friction.

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