Chapter 10

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"I'll do anything for you to not be mad at me,"he begged as he crouched in front of me.I raised an eyebrow at him and just laughed a bit while he looked at me confused.

"I don't want anything because I'm mad at you,now go,"I said as a smirk rose to his face.

"I said I'd do anything,so I'm going to do something whether you like it or not,"he says as he throws me over his shoulder and drops me on my bed.He lifted my shirt and kissed down my stomach and once he got to my pants,he unbuttoned them and pulled them down slowly.

"Luke,stop,"I said dragging out both words.

"Just give me five minutes please,"he begged.

"I'm on my period remember,"I reminded him.

"Oh yeah,"he said scratching the back of his neck.I got up and walked downstairs to see Mike and Ash sitting on the couch.

"Where's Cal at,"I asked the boys.

"He went put to blow some steam,"Ash said as I nodded.

"Wanna watch a movie,"Mikey asked.

"Sure,but I get to pick,"I say as I choose a movie.I decided on 'Fast and Furious' while the boys got some bottles of soda,candy,and popcorn.I got some of my pills and took those while I waited for the boys.Once they came back out,I started the movie as I grabbed some chocolate.

About half way through the movie,a drunk Cal stubbed through the door.I was a bit shocked,but at the same time I wasn't.

"What the hell Cal,"I yelled.

"Where's the bastard,"Cal shouted.

"Calm down Cal,who are are you talking about,"I say grabbing a hold of his shoulders.

"Luke,"he slurs.

"I don't know,somewhere upstairs I think,"I said as he lightly pushes me out of the way and stumbles up the stairs.I follow behind him and when he walks into Luke's room,he closes the door.I quickly run up to the door and listen since I wanted to know why Calum hated Luke so much.

"You don't deserve to be with my sister you know that right,"Cal slurs.

"You think I don't know that,I've always known that so stop reminding me of it,"Luke says.

"I can't believe you had the decency to hurt her and then go and say you still have feelings for her,"Cal slurs once more.

"I had no choice Cal,Arzaylea said that if I didn't pretend to act like I hated her,she would've done a lot worse than what we actually did,"Luke snaps.

"You still could've told management from the beginning no and we could've released ourselves,"Cal yells back.

"Ow Calum what the fuck,"Luke yells.I slowly open the door to see Luke on the ground holding his jaw.I run over to Luke to make sure he was okay,but that was the dumbest thing I could ever do.

"This is for all the shit you and that bitch put Jewels through,"Cal yells and punches me in the eye and lip since I was in front of Luke.Once Cal realized he hit me,he backed away and put a hand over his mouth.

"Jewels,I-I didn't mean to hit you,"Cal says as he puts a hand out to help me up,but I flinch away from him afraid that I was gonna be hit again.I back away and quickly get up and leave the room.Before I could get out of the room,Cal wrapped his arms around me.

"Jewels I sorry,I really am,"Cal says.

"No let go,"I yell as I elbow him in the gut and run down the stairs.

"Woah,Jewels what happened and your lip is bleeding,"Ash says as him and Mikey walk towards me as I flinch away when the get close.

"Jewels please,I'm sorry I didn't mean it,"Cal says coming down the stairs.I quickly run out of the house and down the street.

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