Chapter 21

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We finally got to the hotel and I checked in,but I had to pay for the two girls since the boys didn't know about them yet.I got them a separate room from Malum and I so the boys didn't walk in and see them.Once I got to my room,I flopped onto the bed and immediately fell asleep.

"Jewels,get your ass up now,"Mikey yelled literally scaring the shit out of me.

"What the hell Mikey,you didn't have to yell,"I groaned.

"It's the quickest way to wake you up though,"he said with a smile.

"I hate you Michael,"I yelled as he walked out of the room.

"Love you too Jewels,"he called back.I walked over to the other bed and woke up Malum so we could get the girls and go get coffee or something before the show.Once I got him up,we got around and to the elevator a few floors down.I knocked on their door and Sam opened it a few seconds later and we headed to the car.

"Put these on,"I told them once we got into the car.I handed each of them a jacket and snapback so we wouldn't get noticed.We got out at a small cafe and we went in.We all ordered coffee and we all got something different for food.

Once we finished our food and coffee,we headed out to explore the city.We went to all the different museums and everything like that.After all our fun,we got a car and drove to the venue.Once we got there,we snuck the girls into the dressing rooms.

"All this sneaking around is fun,"Amanda said with a small laugh.

"You know what,tonight I think I'm going to cover,"I said while finding my black skinny jeans.

"What the song are you thinking of doing,"Sam asked.

"You know what,we're going to do something real different tonight,"I said as I explain what I meant by that.They liked my idea and went to the boys to get it cleared,plus they probably want to be part of it.

I walked on stage by myself as the crowded cheered.The lights went up and everyone quieted down when they didn't see anyone else with me.

"Tonight,we decided to do something a little bit different.Instead of doing my songs,I decided to cover a bunch of Bruno Mars since I've been really addicted to his music lately.Hear to help me is my band and the boys of 5sos who wanted to join me in this,"I said as everyone except the two girls walked out onto stage.

"I hope you all enjoy this because this should be fun,"Mikey said as the boys started playing their instruments.I thought it be nice let Ash stand up by Luke and the two other boys while Malum played drums.

"What song are we started with,"Cal asked.I thought for a second before answer and thought this would be funny and great to start with.

"I know how it feels to be a fan and have to feeling that you're never going to marry your favorite.So tonight,they think they're going to marry you,"I said as everyone started screaming and the music started.

It's a beautiful night and we're looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby,I think I want to marry you

Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice

Who cares baby,I think I want to marry you

While the song was on a pause,Sam and Amanda walked out onto the stage with us.They looked really nervous,but I know they'll do great.

"These are the news members of my band,take it away guys,"I yelled.

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go,no one will know

Oh come on girl

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