Chapter 30

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3 Days Later

Today we go back to LA and it makes me sad that I have to leave the horses that were there when my mom wasn't.Right now,Luke's driving us to the ranch to ride then around until 10 tonight since that was the only flight available for today.Once we got there,we took the horses and headed to the place I used to compete with my horses.

"What is this place,"Luke asked.

"This is where I would compete with Lightening and Angel,"I said as I lined up with Lightening.

"Lets see if we still got it,"I spoke out loud and took off towards the show jumps.I jumped them all perfectly which made me so happy because this was one of my favorite things to do.

"You're really good at this,"Luke said.

"I used to do this all the time,"I said as we left and just rode around again.Right now we're sitting in another open field watching the sunset as the horses layed down and we were getting ready to leave and take them back to the ranch.

"Don't worry baby,I'll get the horses,"Luke said as he walked over a got both.He came back and handed me the reins to Lightening,but before we took off,Luke said that there was something important he needed to tell me.

"What is it Luke,"I said as he scratched the back of his neck since he was obviously nervous.He got down on one knee and looked me in the eyes.

"I wanted to ask you if you would want to stop at Taco Bell before we board the plane,"he said as I punched his arm while he laughed.

"I don't care,but don't do that again,"I said,but he didn't get up from his knee,but reached into his back pocket to pull out a small box.

"This better not be another joke,"I said and he opened the box to show me that it wasn't a joke.

"On our 3 year anniversary,I was going to do this,but when you said you had horses back home,I thought that would be better since it would be where you grew up and having the horses around would've made it even better.Words can't explain how much I love you,but this will.So,will you marry me Jewlisa Maria Hood,"he said as I nodded and he slipped the ring on my finger.Once he got off his knee,he immediately attacked my lips with multiple kisses.

"We need to get the horses back before we miss the plane,"I said as we climbed back on the horses and headed back to the ranch.Once we got there,Rick noticed the ring pretty quickly and we told him what happened.

"I'm happy for you two,have a good life together and come back to visit the horses soon,"he said as we took off to the airport.Once we got there,we quickly got threw security and got onto the plane.I was beat from the long day,so I took a nap while I listened to music.

"Baby we're back,"Luke said lightly shaking me awake.We got off the plane and got our luggage.We had tons of fans waiting for us,but as soon as we walked out,they mobbed and I climbed onto Luke's as he carried me through the airport and I rested my head on his back.I forgot to take the ring off,but everyone will found out soon enough so it really doesn't matter.We soon were back at the house and were greeted by 3 smiling boys and were smothered with hugs as soon as we came through the door.

"Woah,I see you two got serious while you were away,"Mike said as he gabbed my hand and looked at the ring as I felt my face heat up.

"Why didn't you tell us you were proposing,"Ash asked.

"Because I didn't want you guys spoiling it,"Luke said.

"I don't care,all I have to say is congrats you two,"Cal said as he hugged me.

"Thanks for being an amazing brother Cal,"I said as I hugged him as tight as I possibly could.

"Just do me one favor,"he said.

"Depends,"I said.

"I want a kid named after me,"he said.

"Deal,"I said,

"No,"Luke said making me laugh.

"Why not,"Cal pouted.

"I don't know,I just felt like disagreeing,"he said.

"So tell us how it happened,"Ash said.I told him pretty much everything that happened and he just smiled.

"That's cute,smart Luke I give you that,"Ash said making him laugh.

"What are you going to do about the fans,"Cal asked.

"We're keeping it a secret as long as possible,"Luke said.

"But they're going to see the ring,"Cal informed.

"But they won't know who I'm marrying will they,"I said as he just smirked at me.

"You're so mean to the fans you know,"he said as I nodded and smiled.

"Well,it's like 2 in the afternoon,so what do you guys want to do,"Ash asked.

"Lets go riding,"I yelled.

"But you just got back from almost a week of riding,"Cal said.

"I know,but you 3 haven't ever gone riding have you,"I said as they all shook their heads no.

"Go get your shoes boys because we're going riding,"Luke said as Ash did immediately because it's Ashton,he's Ashton ways up for something new while Mike and Cal groaned and got their shoes.

"Aren't we taking the car mate,"Mike said as Luke and I stood at the end of the driveway.

"No,it's not that far of a walk,"I said as he groaned once again.

"Can we stop for food then,"he whined.

"Sure,how about Nandos,"Luke suggested as we all agreed and started walking.We ran into a few fans,but I don't think they noticed my ring since they were caught up meeting the boys.There was a few getting a bit touchy,but it doesn't bug me anymore.We eventually got to the same place we rode them the first time.

"You here to ride again,"the same man from last time asked.

"Yeah,we only need three horses though,"I said as they brought out three horses.I climbed onto one and Luke climbed on one of others.Ash climbed onto the third one while Cal climbed on with him.Mike climbed onto mine which made Luke a bit angry.

"No Mike,you're not aloud to ride with her,get your ass on mine right now,"Luke barked as we both laughed and he got off mine and onto Luke's.

"Ash,follow my lead,"I said as I showed him how to steal the horse and get them moving.

"Okay,like this,"he said as he kicked the horse and it took of at full speed.

"God dammit,"I said to myself as Luke laughed.

"Time to go fix that,"Luke said as we took off after Ash and Cal.Once we caught up.I told him how to slow down the horse to a stop and he succeeded at that thankfully.

"I'm not riding with you Ash,sorry but I don't feel like dying,"Cal said as he hoped off to get on mine,but I turned the horse away from him.

"Hey,let me on,"he pouted.

"Why don't you try and take control of the horse,"I said.

"Fine,"he pouted and climbed back on in front of Ash.I showed him how to do it and he understood immediately and took off racing through the field we stopped in.

"Why don't you try Mike,"I said.

"You show him because you're good at explaining what to do,"Luke said as he got off the horse and gave Mikey the reins.I showed him how and he fucked it up the same way Ash did,so as Luke sat behind me taking a video,I chased after Mike.I told him how to stop the horse,but he only made it go faster.

"Luke,take the reins,"I said as he out his phone away and took the reins.

"What are you going to do,"he asked.

"Something I haven't done in years,"I said.

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