Chapter 1

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Luke's P.O.V

Oh god,I just fucked up badly and I don't know what to do now.I can't tell her why she did it because it could make her do it again,but I still want to know.

"Hey Mike,do you know why she cut and tried to kill herself,"I asked.I don't know,maybe I'll tell her why she did,I did promise her.

"One was because she got a lot of hate and it got to her and the bitch gave everyone her email so she got it everywhere none stop.She was constantly told she was fat,ugly,a whore,and plenty of other things.One person took it way too far and said that her parents should die because of how much of a mistake she was and another said that her parents hated her and abondoned her and didn't actually die,"he explained.

"Oh god that's horrible,how could people just say that stuff and not regret it,"I said.I guess I could tell her,I mean it's not that bad.

"The other reason was because of you and Arz,"he added.Fuck,nevermind I won't tell her that one,but just from getting hate wouldn't set her off and she knows that.Even when she wasn't famous she got hate because she was Cal's sister and it never bothered her.

"All of your harassment pushed her over the edge.I also know that when she was drunk,you hooked up with her and took advantage of her,"Mikey said.

"How'd you find out,"I asked a bit confused since he was also drunk.

"I didn't till now,she just told me that you said you were a bit on the drunk side too so neither of you knew what you were doing,but I guess that was a lie,"Mikey said.

"Oh,"was all I could say.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Luke,"Mikey said disgusted.

"I still love her Mikey and I knew she hated me,so I thought I'd never get the chance to be with her again,so my feelings got the best of me,"I confessed.

"But that was a fucked up thing to do and you know it Luke,"Mikey scolded.

"I know,but I was afraid Mikey,"I said.

"You know she's gonna find out eventually,"Mikey stated.

"I know,I feel so guilty,but at the same time it felt right,"I said.

"I want you to tell her when she gets her memory back,"Mikey said.

"I know,I was planning on telling her,"I said.

"Good,now I'm going to go get some food,"he said as we walked out.I went to my room wondering what to do now.

"Hey,did you ever find out,"Jewels asked as she walked in.Well shit,come out and just say it or lie and make something up.

"He didn't know the reason why you did it.He just knew that you got hate and we knew that didn't bug you at all.Everytime he brought up the topic you would try and change it or just shut down,"I lied.I finally got her to talk to me now,I don't wanna ruin this chance by telling her that I was the reason she tried to kill herself.

"Oh,"was all she said.

"I'm sorry,"I said as I hugged her.I heard her quietly crying on my shoulder as I layed her down and went to the kitchen.I grabbed some snacks and drinks,then went back up to my room where she was asleep.I guess she was really tired,otherwise she cried so much she passed out.I sat down next to her and pulled out my phone and tweeted something random.I felt arms wrap around me and a head lay on my bare chest.I took a picture of Jewels and put it on instagram and Twitter saying "Y do u keep doin this @Jhoodbean 😂" and just watched as people started freaking out about it.I just laughed a bit making Jewels stir in her sleep,but she didn't wake up.How do we help her recover her memory without letting her know that I'm the reason she lost it?We could take her back to Lydia's mom's beach house and let them hang out again.Wait,I have an idea,but I'm going to have to get an okay from people.I got out of bed without waking her and ran down to the boys.

"Guys,I have an idea how to get her memory back,"I said as they listened.I can't believe we didn't think of this before.

Jewels' P.O.V

I woke up in Luke's room with him nowhere to be found.I got up to look around,but couldn't find him anywhere in here.I went downstairs to see all the boys on the couch watching tv.Once 5hey noticed me standing there,they told me to sit.

"So we have an idea on how to get your memory back,"Ash said.

"How do you feel about performing tomorrow,"Mikey said.

"What,no I can't do that,I'm way too afraid to get up there,"I said as I sat there holding back tears.

"We'll preform after you and if you want,we can be there right next to you,"Cal said.

"We'll do whatever that makes you comfortable,"Luke said.

"You better be right there next to me,"I said as they started cheering.Oh god,what did I just get myself into?

The Next Day

I got up to Mikey shaking me awake while Ash and Cal pulling me out of bed while Luke was picking my outfit.

"Okay,so we have to leave in a couple of hours for sound check,"Ash said.

"How late did you wake me up guys,"I said Ash's I quickly ran to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

"It's only 1 Jewels calm down,"Cal said.

"You don't understand the pressure I'm going through so you have no say nor can you tell me to calm down.I have to make a good impression or they'll hate me,"I rushed out.

"They'll love you Jewels,"Ash said.

"But you don't know that,they could hate me so much tha-,"I was saying,but was cut off by Luke pressing his lips to mine.He stayed for a few seconds,then pulled away with a smile plastered on his face.

"Go get ready or you won't have any time left,"he said as I just nodded and went to get ready.That boy has me wrapped around his finger and he knows it.I got out of the shower and put on the clothes Luke picked out for me.It was a band t-shirt and a flannel with black skinny jeans with both knees ripped,a grey beanie,and my black vans.I walked out and did a little bit of makeup because I'm not really into painting my face.I did my eye shadow,eyeliner,mascara,and lips gloss because I didn't want anything too fancy.I walked out to see Luke taking a picture in the full body mirror wearing the same outfit as me.

"Did you seriously make it so we were matching,"I said.He just smiled as I shoved him a bit,then we soon left.

Once we got there,they made me sing something I remembered writing and I didn't do too bad.After about half an hour,I could hear people and I started freaking out.

"You'll do fine and remember,we'll be out there with you,"Ash said.They went out except Luke who kissed me before jogging out behind them leaving me a bit shocked.Once I heard Cal say my name I walked out to see a huge crowd and now I'm rethinking my decision.

"You ready Jewels,"Ash said into the mic.

"No,but there's no backing out now,"I confessed into the mic as the boys laughed and got into their spots as I sat in a chair between Luke and Cal.Well,here goes nothing.

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