Chapter 27

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3 Years Later

Luke and I are still together and I'm happy to say that today is our 3 year anniversary and I had something special planned for him.Right now he's searching for his flannel and nirvana shirt since he thought it'd be cute if we matched today.Everyone found out about us around 1 year of us dating and surprisingly the fans have no suspicion over it.Also,remember that song Luke wrote about my past relationship with Malum,well he gave it to Justin Bieber and he had Rascal Flatts sing it with him and I must say,it sounds great.Once Luke found his shirt and flannel,we headed out to wherever the hell Luke was taking me.

"So where are we going,"I asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"You'll see,"he said as I whined like a child.

"Is it far away,"I asked as I grabbed for his hand,but we were spotted.

"No,it's not that long of a walk,"he said as fans gathered around us.

"Why can't I know where we're going,"I asked.People had their phones out taking pictures and videos of us while we talked.We weren't ignoring them,it's just that they aren't asking for anything,they're just following us.

"I told you it's a surprise,so it's staying a surprise,"he said.

"I hate you,"I pouted.

"Love you too,"he said while laughing.

"Do you guys want anything,"I asked.

"No,we're fine,"multiple people said.

"Then why are you all following us,"Luke asked.

"Where's the rest of the band,"someone asked.

"Back at the house or wherever they ran off to,we were the only ones left in the house this morning,so we just decided to go out,"Luke lied.

"So where are you guys going then,"another asked.

"He just insisted it to be a surprise,"I mocked.

"Can we come with you,"someone asked.

"Um,we just wanted to hang out and just enjoy our time off,so if that's okay,we would like to be by ourselves,"I said nicely.

"You don't have to be a bitch about it,stop hogging Luke for yourself,"someone yelled,ouch that hurt.I guess Luke could tell because he stopped walking and turned to the direction that comment came from.

"Don't you ever say that about her ever again because what she said was true.She could've just flat out said no,go away,but she was nice about it and wasn't being anything but nice,both of us have.So,if you really cared for either or both of us,you would just let us have our space and enjoy our day off,"Luke barked as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me along while everyone just stood there shocked.

"Damn,I didn't think you'd have something like that in you,"I said as he laughed.

"Well,I love you and won't listen to them say rude things to you,"he said.We soon arrived to a petting zoo which made me laugh a little bit.

"What's so funny,"he asked.

"You made me wait for a petting zoo,"I said as he nodded with a smile.

"Shut up and lets go in,"he said as he grabbed me by the hand and dragged me in.We first saw a elephant and we got to ride it around and I gave it some food and we went to some other animals.After awhile,we got to a bunch of penguins and Luke's inner child came out as he scurried over to them while I walked behind him as he fed them.After a good 5 minutes with the penguins,we went over to a giraffe and Luke took a selfie with it and while he wasn't looking,I took a picture of him petting it.We then went to some horses and I took a selfie with one as Luke watched with a grin on his face.

"Would you guys like to ride them around the city,"the manager asks as we nodded.They got us two horses as we left and rode them around an open field.

"How are you so good at riding,"Luke asked.

"I used to ride with I was with my mom.I got lessons and had a horse,"I said and just then,something came to mind.

"Oh my god,I need to go see my baby,"I said as I quickly took off with my horse.

"Wait up,"Luke yelled as I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"What's with the sudden outburst,"he asked when he caught up to me.

"I have a horse that back in my home town,"I said.

"And you want to go them,"he finished for me as I nodded.

"Well then lets go,"Luke said.

"Really,"I said as he nodded.

"Well,I have two since I had a friend who would ride with me,so I'm teaching you how,"I said as I go toff my horse and tied the to the fence that was near by.I walked back over to Luke and hoped on behind him and took the reins from him.

"Like this,"I said and showed him how to control the horse.

"I think I got it now,"he said as he took the reins and like he side,he figured it out.We rode around with me holding onto Luke from behind as a few people watched form the road which is most likely fans.

"Take me back to my horse,I saw a trail we can ride down,"I said as he took me over to my horse.I got off his and hopped onto mine as Luke just stared at me.

"What,"I questioned.

"Thanks for teaching me how to ride,this has been fun,"he said.

"Hey,if you're coming with me back to my home town just so I can see my horses,then you're going to be riding with me,"I said as he laughed and with that we took off to the trail I saw.

"This has been a really fun 3 year anniversary,"Luke said.

"Yeah and it was your idea,"I said as we went into the woods where the trail leads.

"Woah,"I said as I looked around at how pretty it was.

"Look at the little pond,"Luke said pointed down one of the trails.I quickly trotted down the trail and once I got to the small pond,I tied my horse to a log,took my shoes and socks off,and walked into the pond.Once Luke came in sight,he did the same thing I did and walked in next to me.

"I love you so much,"Luke said looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too,"I said as he pecked my lips.

"We should head back before it gets dark,"I said as we got our things as we climbed back onto our horses and headed back.Us being the trouble makers we are,we rode the horses down the country rode like I used to do.Once we got back to the petting zoo we got them from,we gave them back the horses and we walked since he was taking me somewhere.

"Now where are we going,"I whined while pulling on his arm.

"You'll see baby,just wait,"he said.After about a good 20 minute walk,we ended at a beach as we took our shoes and socks off once again and walked along the beach.

"You know what this reminds me of,"I said.

"What is that,"Luke said as he looked down at me.

"Kellin's music video for Roger Rabbit,"I said as he chuckled a bit.

"That's true,why don't we get the boys,Malum,and the girls down here,"he suggested.

"That'd be perfect,"I said as Luke pulled out his and called someone.

"Hey Cal,tell everyone to come to the beach that's like half an hour away from the house.Make sure to bring marshmallows,chocolate,and gram crackers for smores and the guitars and box drum,"he said.

"Okay,see you in a bit,bye,"he said and hung up.

"So what do we do until they get here,"I asked as he shrugged.

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