Chapter 12

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"I didn't want to see him knowing that I was the cause,plus I've had bad luck with hospitals,"I say.

"I'm sorry Jewels,but Luke will be fine like the doctor said,"he reassured.

"But you really need to go see him,Ash and I went in to see Luke after you left the hospital and all he wanted was to see you,it seemed like he was going crazy and when he started screaming for you,doctors rushed in and pushed us out,"he explains.

"Take me to see him,"I blanky say as we rush to the car and quickly drive to the St.Mary's hospital.We didn't even come to fill stop and I was already running towards the doors.

"I need to Luke Hemmings,"I quickly say to the lady behind the desk.

"He's in room 231,"she tells me as I sprint down the halls looking for the room.I finally found the room after a few minutes of searching and quickly opened the door,but the sight I saw wasn't a nice sight.

"You can't keep me in here,I need to see her,let me go now,"Luke screamed as multiple doctors were holding him down.

"We can't allow that sir,"one of the doctors says.

"Why the hell not,I need to know and make sure she's okay after what happened,I don't need to be here,"he screams out.

"Jewels,Jewels baby wherever you are,don't worry,I'll see you soon,"he yells.He breaks his arm on the far side out of a nurses arms and turns to pull the other one out,but stops when he sees me.The doctors go to pin him back down,but he fights with them as they tell him he needs to stay in the bed.

"Baby come here,I need you,"he yells to me and I immediately run to him.I push past the doctors and hug him with all I had,but the doctors grab my arm and try and drag me out of the room,but I stood my ground and tried to get out of their grip as Luke did the same.After a few attempts,Luke git free and when he went to stand,all the doctors told him his legs were too weak like the last few times he tried earlier and grabbed his arms to pull him back down.He ripped away from them all and ran to me and kissed me as the doctors let go of me.Seeing that Luke was fine for now and left the room.We pulled away and Luke had tears in his eyes as he grabber my arms that were around his neck and looked at the brace while flipping the other over,looking at my fresh cuts.

"Explain the brace and the cuts,now,"he spoke while looking me in the eyes and I just broke down as he pulled me into him and I cried into his chest.

"I'm the reason you're in here,so when they told me I could come see you,I couldn't look at you knowing that if I would've just stayed home,you wouldn't have gotten mobbed,"I choke out.

"That's not true,if what happened to you happened to me,if would've done the same thing,anyone would've left and I got worried when you didn't come home for around half an hour,so I went to the spot you usually go to and that's the park.When I got there I saw paps and fans gathering as you walked,so while you walked,I hurried to the street you were heading for and watched from a far.When you went down it,I heard you scream and when I got to the end of the alley,you were nowhere to be found,but I heard you scream again and I got there as quick as I possibly could.It didn't help that everyone thought I was the cause of your busted lip and black eye,so I broke down and my anxiety immediately kicked in by just the thought of me ever hurting you,"he said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"But what happened to you hand and why do you have bruises all over and your hand all cut up,"he said as he pulled up my jacket sleeve exposing my bruises that were forming and the wrap that covered my hands as blood was noticeable through it.

"This morning I tripped going up the stairs with a bowl of cereal snd the bowl shattered cutting my hands and I fell backwards down a few steps giving me these bruises,"I say.

"And you broke your hand from that,"he questioned.

"Yeah,"I quickly replied.

"I know you're lying,now what really happened,"he demanded.

"Mikey saw my cuts and when he flushed my razor I got pissed and punched the cabinet,"I say looking at the floor.I felt Luke's fingers grab my chin and lift it so I was looking right into his eyes.

"You don't need the razor,"he simply said.

"Yes I do,"I challenged.

"And why is that,"he questioned.

"It's my only way to escape reality,"I truthfully say.

"Well you have me,so you don't need it,"he says which makes me laugh a bit.

"Can we leave this place now,I hate hospitals so much,"I say as he nods and we leave the room.We get Luke signed out and they tell us to keep his anxiety down for a few days and walk out with Mikey who was in the waiting room.

Once we got home,Ash and Cal came running up to us and asked where we went.

"What are you wearing and why are your hands so cut up,"Cal asked lifting my hands.

"She broke her wrist this morning,"Mikey chimes in.

"What,how"Cal and Ash basically yell.

"She tripped up the stairs with a bowl of cereal and the broken bowl pieces cut her and hands and she landed on her wrist in a weird way,"Mikey covers for me.

"How long do you have to wear it,"Ash asked.

"A few weeks,maybe longer,"I say.

"Awe,that means you can't perform for the first few weeks of tour,"Cal whines,but an idea soon pops into my head and they notice.

"They said I couldn't play my guitar and I'm sure I'll be fine if you guys play the music for me as I sing like Arianna or someone like her would,"I say as the boys agree.

"Well,we have an interview in a few hours,so you 3 go get ready so we can leave,"Ash says pointing at me,Luke,and Mikey as we hurry up the stairs to get ready.

As soon as I came down the stairs,we went to the car and headed to the interview.I was wearing black skinny jeans with no rip with my nirvana t-shirt.I was the last one out and I got some weird looks when I noticed that everyone could see the bruises on my arms and my cuts.I walked over to Luke and pulled him to the side when he was done talking to some fans.

"Hey,what's up,"he says smiling.

"I forgot my jacket at the house and everyone can are my bruises and cuts and I don't have anything to cover the-,"I was cut off by Luke taking his leather jacket off and handing it to me.

"Thanks,but I wasn't asking for your jacket,I want to ask you if you could go with me to see if the people inside had anything I could borrow,"I say.

"It's fine babe,I was getting a bit warm anyways now come on,lets go inside,"he says as he walks inside next to me.

We were half way through the interview when they started asking about me and Luke,but like denied the whole relationship.I know it'll be a big deal for fans and everything,but we've been dating for almost a month.

"Jewels everyone's been wondering what happened to your wrist,"they asked.

"I broke my wrist this morning when I fell on the stairs and I also cut my hands as you can see,"I say as I lift my hands to show my unwrapped hands that had cuts all over.

"So what does that mean for the tour,"they asked.

"I won't be able to play my guitar,so we decided that the boys will play the music and I'll sing,"I explain.The interview goes on for about another half an hour and then we leave.As we walk out,people start yelling for me to come over,but I don't feel the greatest at the moment.My stomach starts cramping up as I bend over holding my stomach.A few guards come over and help me to the car and soon the boys cone in.

"You okay Jewels,"Cak asks.

"I'm just not feeling good right now,"I say.

"Damn,I wanted to go out,but I guess if you're not feeling good then we won't,"he says.

"No it's fine,you guys go out I'll be fine,"I say.

Once we got home,I went in as the boys headed to a club.We go on tour tomorrow and I was hoping I would feel better before I have to get on a plane.I went to my room after taking some pills and went straight to bed.

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