Chapter 17

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We went back to my dressing room once the boys finished and I showered.After I finished,Malum went in for one since it was a communal shower.As I was low drying my hair,someone knocked in the door and I about smacked the person on the other side.

"So you held hands with him at the airport,them came here to watch our show with his hand in yours,what's your excuse this time,"Cal snapped at me.

"Is the excuse of we're dating count,"I yelled back.

"I thought you weren't dating,"he snarled.

"We made it official around the start of yours,"I bark.

"Wow,so what ever happened to you and Luke huh,"he questioned.

"That ended,I can't heave a steady relationship with him because pretty much every week something comes up to puss each other up and the sad thing is that my friendship with Malum has lasted longer than most of the times Luke and I dated,"I yell.

"So you're just going to throw everything you two had away,"he says.

"Yeah,it's not that hard since there wasn't much there,"I said as he throws his arms in the air and leaves slamming the door behind him.

"Woah,what was he talking about,"Malum questions from behind me.I explain everything from the time my mom kicked me out to now and that includes the memory loss situation.

"I'm sorry baby,"he coos and pulls me into a hug.

"It's fine,it's just wish they would except us,"I said with a few tears falling.Someone knocks on the door and I get up to answer it to see Mikey standing on the other side.Once he sees that I was crying,he pulls me into a hug.

"Can I talk to you,"he whispers to me.

"Malum,I'll be right back,"I'll call as I hear an okay before the door closes.We walk in silence until we come to a room and Mikey opens the door and nudges me inside and closes it behind me.

"Mikey what the hell,open the fucking door,"I yell,but I hear him run down the corridor.I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call someone for help,so I feel around for a light switch and about passed out when I saw who was in the room with me.

"I thought you still loved me,"Luke said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry,but we can't ever go a week without getting pissed at each other while with Malum it's different,"in explained.

"I just don't think he's right for you,"he said walking towards me.

"Excuse me,"I growl.

"You heard me,I just don't think he's right for you,"he said again.

"And why does it matter what you think,"I snarl.

"I'm doesn't,I'm just saying keep an eye on him,"he says.

"No,I'm don't need to do anything you tell me to,"I snap.

"Jewels,look how much you've changed since he's come around,"Luke yelled.

"I'm just trying to find myself right now,it's not his fault that I'm acting up,all I've been wanting to do is find who I really am,is that so much to ask from my best friends,"I yell,but it slowly turns to almost a whisper.

"Jewels I'm so-,"Luke started,but I cut him off.

"No,I just want you guys to approve of him since he's the first friend I've made on my own in years,"I said and leaned against the wall and slowly dropped to the floor.

"I'm sorry,"Luke simply said and pulled his phone out.He typed something quickly,then a few minutes later,the door opened and I push past Ash with tears in my eyes.I ran out of the arena and darted down the street to find the nearest park.Ever since I was a child,I would always go to the park that was across the street when I needed time to think.Once I got there,I sat on the swings and just thought about everything like I normally do.

"I don't know what to do anymore,"I said out loud.I felt tears run down my cheeks as I let all my thoughts run through my head.I scratched at the scars on my arm hoping they would open,but that did nothing.

"Jewels,what happened,"Malum said from behind me.I turned around to see him jogging towards me.

"The boys are blaming you for all my actions lately when really I've just been trying to find who I really am,"I explain.

"I don't care what they think,as long as I have you,girlfriend or not,I'll be happy,"he said as he lifts my chin so I'm looking at him.He lightly leaves a sweet but short kiss on my lips,but I pull him back towards me for a longer one.A camera flashed part way through the kiss as I grab his jacket and pull him with me as we run from the paps.We hide in a dark alley while they run past,but Malum takes this moment to pin me to the wall and kiss my lips roughly.

"There they are,"a pap yells and snaps multiple pictures of us and soon we're running again.They chase us all the way back to the hotel until we get inside and we head to the room.

"God,I don't know how you deal with them everyday,"he said as he intertwined our fingers together.

"You just get used to running from them,"I said as we got inside our hotel room.I about had a heart attack when I saw the 4 boys sitting in the room.

"What the hell guys,"I yell.

"We just wanted to make sure you were okay,"Cal said.

"Well I'm fine so leave,"I snap.

"Hey,if it wasn't for us,no one would've came to find you,"Mikey said with a little bit of snap in his voice.

"What do you mean,"I ask confused.

"Malum said that you didn't ever come back to the room and so we thought you'd be at a park because that's where you always go at these times and he took off after you,"Ash calmly explains.

"I didn't need you to do that,"I say.

"We wanted to make sure you okay,"Luke mumbles.

"Well you don't need to,I'll be fine,I mean I am 18 aren't I,"I snap.

"Jewels,I think you need some time off so you can find the old you,"Cal growls and leaves the room.

"He's really stressed right now so he's really moody,"Ash said and left with the 2 other boys behind him.

"Ugh,fuck my life,"I groan as I flop on the bed.I feel the other side dip down and an arm drap around my waist.

"Everything will get better I promise baby,"Malum coos.

"God I hope so,"I groan and soon fall asleep.

"Jewels,silence your fucking phone,"Malum whined hitting me with a pillow.I checked the clock to see it was 8am and management was texting me about an interview that I needed to be at in half an hour.

"Shit,"I about yell as I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom.

"What's wrong,"Malum calls to me.

"Management set up an interview that starts in half an hour and decided that now they would tell me about it,"I call back.

"Okay,I'll be here probably still sleeping,"he yells.

"That's what you think,you're coming with me now get your ass around,"I yell as he groans and gets ready.We hurry down to the lobby with 20 minutes until the interview.We arrive at the interview with 5 minutes to find where we're supposed to be at.

"Shit,where the fuck are we supposed to go,"I groan.

"This way,"Malum says as we sprint down a hallway and soon find the room just in time.

"Why hello Jewels,you got here just in time,"they said as I walk in with Malum behind me.

"Oh,I didn't know we'd have Malum here too,"the exclaim.

"Olay so last question and it's a big one,"they say.I hate interviews sometimes because every once in awhile you'll find the type of interview that digs into your life and this was that kind.

"Explain the picture here,"they said and show some pictures of me and Malum kissing and then hand me a magazine with us on the cover with the same pictures.

"Um,that's me and Malum kissing at the park and in an alley way,"I simply said.

"So does that mean you to are a couple,"they ask.

"Yes,"I simply said.

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