Chapter 42

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6 Years Later

Luke and I have are still going strong and I quit music to be with our 3 kids Ryker,Vincent,and Taylor.The rest of them kept going and found another member,but I still stay in touch.We live in Sydney in my dad's house while Lydia found herself a guy and the two other girls are doing fine.As you all know,Ryker is the oldest and it 7 years old.Vincent is the middle child at 5 years old,and then Taylor who is 3.Luke is coming home from tour that he's been on for around a year.I get the kids into the car as I head to the airport where he doesn't know that I'm meeting him.Since I can't keep track of all the kids by myself without loosing them,I have them all on the backpack leashes.Fans started going crazy when the boys walking out from the gate and started taking pictures with them.Mike smacked Luke's arm and pointed my way and he immediately dropped his luggage and ran towards me.I let go of the kids as they ran towards him and he picked up Taylor and Vincent while Ryker hugged his leg.

"I missed you guys so much,"he said putting the two down and hugging them all.

"We missed you too daddy,"Ryker said excitedly.

"No leave daddy,"Taylor pouted.

"I'm sorry baby,next time you can come with me,"Luke said as she jumped around.

"Baby,I missed you,"Luke cooed as he jogged towards me.He pecked my lips softy as our three kids hugged his legs.

"Your favorite uncle is back,"Mikey said as they ran to him.

"Your actual uncle is right here you know,"Cal pouted.They hurried to him as they showered his face in kisses.

"Uncle Ash is waiting for his hugs,"Ash said.They finally got to him and dis the same as we all walked out if the airport with Taylor's leash in my hand while Luke had the boys.Luke got in the that I took here while the boys got in the car they were sent.We headed back to our house to find the boys waiting outside for us.We all went inside and soon a knock in the door caught our attention.I opened it to see Liz,Karen,and Ann-Mariee standing on the other side of the door.

"Oh my god hey,"I exclaimed bringing them all in for a hug.

"How are you sweetheart,"Karen asked.

"Good,how about you guys,"I said as I stepped aside so they could come in.

"We're good,we just antes to come down and see the kids and our boys,"Liz said.

"You're welcome anytime,"I said as we walked into the living room to see Luke laying on the floor with Taylor laying on his chest while Vincent sat playing with a toy next to him.

"Where's Ryker,"I asked.

"He's with Cal and the boys downstairs,"he said without looking away from the tv screen.

"The boys are downstairs I guess if you want to go see them,"I told Ann and Karen.

"Thanks sweetie,we'll be back up here in a bit,"Karen said as they walked to the stairs.

"Hey baby,I want you to hear this new song I've been working on,"Luke said.

"Well since your mom and they boys' moms are hear,we can all listen,"I said as Luke looked up for the first time to see his mom standing there.

"Mum,I'm so sorry I didn't notice you before,"he said getting up and hugging his mom.The kids ran over and hugged her legs and she bent down to hug them.

"So that song,"Liz said.

"Yeah,one second,Babe,can you get everyone up here,"he asked.

"Yeah,"I said as I got everyone into the living room.Luke cane back with his guitar and the boys walked up with their instruments except Cal.

"So I just finished this song not too long ago and everyone knows that us being on tour us hard on the kids and Jewels,so I wrote this song so you can listen to it when you miss me,"he said as they started playing.

"With in a minute I was all packed up
I've got a ticket to another world
I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go
Silent words are hard to speak
When your thoughts are all I see
Don't ever leave she said to me
When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky
To the beat of our hearts at the same time
So close but so far away
Can you hear me
She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was I wish I was
Beside you
She lies awake
I'm trying to find the words to say
I wish I was I wish I was
Beside you
Another day and I'm somewhere new
I made a promise that I'll come home soon
Bring me back
Bring me back to you
When we both wake up underneath the same time
Time stops I wish that I could rewind
So close but so far away
Can you hear me
She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was I wish I was
Beside you
She lies awake
I'm trying to find the words to say
I wish I was I wish I was
Beside you
The pieces of us both
Under every city light
And they're shining as we fade into the night
She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was I wish I was
She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was I wish I was
Beside you
She lies awake
I'm trying to find the words to say
I wish I was I wish I was
Beside you
Beside you
Beside you
Beside you"

"I love it,"I said as the kids cheered.

"That was awesome daddy,"Vincent cheered.

"That's Vince,"he said kissing his forehead.

"Another,"Taylor begged.

"Maybe later pumpkin,"he said.

"You're really good at singing,"Ryker said.

"I want to grow up and be just like daddy,"Vince said proudly.

"I wanna be mommy,"Taylor said.

"But mommy doesn't do anything,"Vince said confused.

"Your mommy actually did the same thing I did,but she stopped when you Vince came along so she could take care of you,"Luke explained.

"Can you do it again,please mommy,"Ryker pleaded.

"Whose going to take care of you three then,"I questioned.

"Grandma,"they said pointing at Ann,Liz,and Karen.

"That would be nice,but I'll miss you guys way too much,"I said as they pouted.There was another knock on the door and when I opened the door I saw Kellin,Katelynne,and Copeland standing there.

"Oh my god hey guys,"I say letting them in.

"How's your first day being back on daddy duty,"Kellin said sitting next to Luke at Ryker jumped onto Kellin.

"Not bad,"he said.

"Can you sing for us mommy,"Vincent asked.

"Of course honey,"I said.

"How about Rodger Rabbit,"Kellin suggested.

"Sure,just for you Kellin,"I said and sang for everyone and the kids clapped their hands when I finished.

"That was amazing mommy,"Ryker said.

"My mommy and daddy were rockstars,"Vincent yelled.

"Wow mommy,"Taylor said in awe.

"Thanks baby,"I said hugging my little girl.

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