Chapter 16

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The Day Malum Comes Back

I was waiting at the airport for Malum when I see my favorite emo shithead.I quickly get out of my seat and run to him and straight into his arms.

"Who's my favorite shithead,"I say as he laughs a bit.

"Well I can't be me because I'm not a shithead,I'm a fucking fabulous unicorn,"he says making me laugh this time.

"Also I'm taking you shopping if you don't have clothes I like,"I say making him shake his head as I pull on his arm to lead him out of the airport.As I was dragging him out,I had ahold of his hand and a camera flashed next to me.I look over and see a few paps taking pictures of us,but I don't really care,I'm with my best friend.

"Great,I don't know how you deal with them all the time and I praise you for that,"Malum says rolling his eyes as I keep pulling him out of the airport.

"Lets go do something later,"I exclaim as he agrees as we hop into the car and head back to the hotel.My phone rings and Calum's name pops up as I answer.

"Where are you at,"he quickly demands.

"At the airport picking up Malum remember,"I said in a duh voice.

"Then why am I seeing pictures everywhere from fans that shows you holding his hand,"he questions.

"Because we were leaving and I was keeping him close,why is that such a big deal Cal,"I said in disbelief.

"It's a big deal because Luke still lo-,"I cut Calum off right there knowing what he's going to say.

"I don't care if Luke still loves me,Malum is my friend and you guys don't need to keep looking out for me like in a child,"I snap.

"To us you're still a child now get back to the arena now,"Cal demands.

"I'm not a fucking child and since you think I'm one then I'm going to act like one,so the answer is no,I'll be at the arena later I'm going shopping with Malum,"I hiss.

"No Jewels,you get your ass to this arena now,"Cal barks.

"You're not my guardian Cal and you have no power over me what so ever,"I snarl.

"Jewels I'm not joking anymore,get to the arena NOW,"Cal growls.

"Fuck off and I'm going to do what I want because I don't have to listen to you or anyone for that matter,"I scream and hang up.My palms find their way to my eyes as tears fall from them,good thing I don't wear makeup very often.

"You okay,"Malum asks.

"No,I just got in a fight with my brother because he wants me at the arena and saw pictures of us holding hands and flipped his shit,"I explain.

"So how about going shopping to forget it for awhile and head to the arena in a few hours,"he suggests and I agree.We head to the mall as we pick out clothes and I pay for both mine and Malum's things,but I had to fight with him about it for a few minutes.

"Okay,so now we head to the arena,"I say as we go to the arena.Fans are already at the front waiting to go inside when we get there.We drive around back and we go in the back door.

"So today has been interesting,"Malum says breaking the silence that covered the halls of the backstage area.

"Definitely,"I simply said.We get inside my dressing room and I quickly pick an outfit and do a little bit of makeup.

"So we have about an hour until we go on,what do you want to do,"I said sitting down on the couch next to him.

"I don't know,want to blare some panic,"he suggests as I connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and blast panic as we dance around like idiots.Therapy by All Time Low comes on as we dance still like retards,just in slow motion.

"Okay,for once lets be serious,"Malum said as he grabs my hand and pulls me close.He wraps his arms around my waist and I hang mine around his neck.

"I don't like being serious,"I whine.

"Oh come on and stop stepping on my feet,"he whines.

"Sorry,I can't dance,"I say a bit embarrassed about that.

"Do you really not know how to dance,"he said a bit shocked as I nod my head yes.

"Okay,stand on my feet,"he said and I do as I'm told.We soon take off slow dancing around the room.I look into his eyes as we lightly sing aloud and soon we're both leaning in.So our lips meet and I feel fireworks ignite in my stomach.

"Jewels,it's time to go on oh shit sorry,"Mikey said as he opened the door to my room.I looked over to see all the boys standing behind him and Cal looked pissed while Luke looked hurt.Ash and Mikey just smirked at me as I rolled my eyes at them.

"Okay,Malum grab your guitar and lets go,"I say as he grabs it and we head to the stage.

"Hello Tokyo,how is everyone tonight,"I yell as everyone yells back.

"I have a special surprise for everyone and I hope everyone likes it,"I say as everyone screams again.

"Can I get an around of applause to best friend Malum,"I scream as everyone cheers as he comes out on stage next to me.Malum just waves at everyone causing a louder cheer.

"How's life been treating you,"I ask as we sit in the two chairs we had set out.

"Eh,"he said with a shrug making me laugh.

"Whatever you emo shithead,we have a show to start,so lets get it on the rode,"I say as we start the first song.

"Now for what everyone comes for,I want this place to explode with cheers for these 4 dipshits.Give another round of applause to 5 Seconds of Summer,"I yell as Malum and I walk off stage and the boys run on.Once we're off stage,Malum turns me to him and places his lips to mine.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that,"he said as he pulls away.

"So what are we Mr.Fucktard,"I said.

"How about a couple,"he said as I nodded yes.He intertwined our fingers as we stood on the corner of the stage watching the boys.Luke and Cal kept looking back at us,but I ignored them as I enjoyed the amazing music they created.

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