Chapter 8

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Ash and Mikey just stared at me while Luke rubbed my stomach, but it wasn't helping.I got my phone and googled some ways to help with the cramps and I found one I would try.I got up and went to my room and put on a bathing suit.I turned on the water and filled the tub with it and then got in.I found that if you sit in a tub of warm water,it helps while relaxing your muscles.Luke walked in since I didn't close the door and leaned against the sink.

"What,"I asked since he was staring at me.He walked over and knelt down next to the tub.

"What are you doing,"he asked with a small chuckled.

"I read that if I sit in a tub of water,it helps and relaxes my muscles,"I explain.He then leans in and kisses me on the lips slowly which annoys me.I try to pick up the pace,but he stands his ground and keeps the pace slow and gentle.After a few minutes of that annoyingly slow pace,he quickly increased pace.Since he tortured me with the slow pace for so long,I pulled him into the tub.

"Hey,"he yells while laughing.

"Next time don't torture me like that,"I pout.He just laughs and comes closer and sits on me.

"Ow,Luke you're really heavy,"I whine while laughing.

"Is that a fat joke,"he said acting hurt.

"No,you're tall for one and you have muscle,that's going to make you heavy you know,"I say while he just stares at me.He slowly leans in and kisses me forehead and slowly makes his way to my nose,then lips.

"Jewels I got your pi-oh my fucking god,what did I just walk in on,"Cal yells as Luke pulls away.

"Quick fucking,"Mikey yells from my room.

"They're just making out again,"Cal said handing me pills and a water bottle.

"Well then stop tongue fucking,"he yelled making all of us burst out into fits of laugher.

"Jesus Luke,why are you in the tub,"Ash says laughing as he walks into the bathroom.

"He was ready to get down and dirty,"Mikey yells walking into the bathroom.

"Wrong,she pulled me in,"he said as I just smile.

"Why,"Cal asked.

"Because I thought it would be funny and I was correct,"I half lied.I pulled him in because he was teasing me and I actually thought it'd be funny.

"Well get out because I can see something I don't want to,"Cal said.I sat there confused,but soon realized what he meant.As Luke was getting a towel,I could see the tent in his pants,so I hold in my laughter.I got out and wrapped myself with a towel and walked into my room to change.Once I was done,I went down to see Luke across Mikey's lap.

"Luke what are you doing,"I asked as I laughed a bit.

"We're planning on the tour starting in a few weeks,so we all have to go to an interview tomorrow and talk about it,"Luke whined as he got up and hugged me,burying his head into my neck.

"That means you can't blow up on the people,"Mikey teased.I went to try and strangle him,but Luke held me back as Michael ran out of the room.

I woke up in Luke's room with him still sleeping next to me.I got up and got dress,but turned around to see Luke staring at me and I felt my face heat up.

"Stop staring,"I whine.

Luke's P.O.V

I woke to an empty bed,but looked over by my dresser to see Jewels changing.She soon turned around to see me staring at her and I could see her blushing from here.

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