Chapter 19

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"Um,do you really want to know what it was about,"I said with a shaky voice.

"Yes and don't lie to me,"he demands.

"It was about none of you approving of my relationship with Malum,"I said while looking at the ground and playing with my fingers.

"But we do,"he said a bit confused.

"It was when you all didn't like the idea and I already had the lyrics finished so I just kept the song and finished it,"I explain.

"That's in the past,it doesn't matter anymore,"he said.

"Is that what you think about everything,"I said rolling my eyes at him.

"No,"he said in a duh voice.

"How come I seriously doubt you,"I growl.

"I'm not lying,"he said.

"Sure whatever,"I said as I walk back to my dressing room.

"We're really sorry about not liking your relationship and supporting you,"he yelled.

"Trust me Luke,that's not the reason why,"I yelled back.Once I got back to my dressing room,I walked in to see my boyfriend and 3 friends dancing around the room like retards.

"I got your picture,I'm coming with you dear Maria count me in,"they yelled the lyrics.

"There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and I'm the pen,"I yelled back as I walked into the room.

"Make it count when I'm the one who's selling you out,"the boys yelled as the walked into the room.

"Cause it feels like stealing hearts calling your name from the crowd,"we all yelled.

"So what are you guys doing,"Cal asked.

"What does it look like,"I said while laughing.

"Don't get sassy with me,"Cal said while snapping his fingers in a Z.

5 Months Later

Today is my 6 month anniversary with Malum and I'm planning something special.Yesterday he took me to a movie I've been dying to see and said that was part of my present.The boys ended up seeing us walk out and everyone except Luke started awing when we kissed.Since Malum's always buying me gifts and flowers,I got him something to repay him for everything.Right now we're performing and it's the last song.I thought it would be funny to pretend I wrote a song for him even though I didn't.

"So this last song is one I finished a few weeks ago and it was written for this goofball that's in the stage with me.If you don't mind,you're just going to sit there and watch,"I said and started the song.

"I love you and that's it,I got you a box a chocolate for our anniversary because I'm cheap and oh well,"I said in a sing song voice.

"Well then,I thought you were serious,"he said and chuckled a bit.

"I didn't write you a song because I had to work on music for the next album,but I got you more than chocolate,"I said as he hugged me and we walked off stage hand in hand.Malum lead me to the dressing room and pulled out a small box.

"Open it baby,"he cooed as I opened it to see a necklace with a guitar and mic on it.

"It's beautiful,"I said in awe.I opened a door to reveal a new drum and box drum.

"Woah,this must've cost you a fortune,"he said admiring the drums.

"Not really,now lets give watch the boys,"I said and dragged him to where we can watch.It was their last song and all the boys came off stage except Luke.

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