Chapter 36

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I walked back out to the living and turned on the tv when I started craving chocolate,so I got up and searched through the cupboards and found some chocolate.I decided on actually cooking a since meal neither of us had eaten dinner yet,so I found some burgers and fries and made those because one I love me some fries any time of day and two,I wanted McDonald's and this is as close as I'm going to get.I threw the fries in the deep fryer and put the burgers in a pan and just cooked them over the stove.I was finishing up when Luke walked through the door with a suitcase.He walked over and kissed my forehead and walked back to the rooms and soon came back out without a shirt and sweatpants.He turned on the tv as I brought him his plate as we ate and watched whatever came on tv.I picked up both our plates and went to put them in the sink,but he smacked my ass when I got up.I looked back to see his smirking at me with lips lip ring between his teeth.

"You look sexy in only my shirt baby,"he said as I walked to the kitchen.I came back out and thought to have some fun with what he said.I stood in front of him as he tried to watch the tv,but soon he leaned forward and grabbed ahold of my waist.

"I love the view of you baby,but I want to watch tv,"he said trying to move me aside,but I climbed into his lap making him smirk.He slowly kissed my lips as I rolled my hips against him.He moaned out a feel times as he stood up holding me by my thighs and set me back on the couch on my back like we were before he left.I lightly pulled his sweatpants down and he kicked them off the rest of the way.He pulling my shirt over my head when my phone rang and I reached over to grab it,but he took it from my hands,declined the call from Cal,and shut off my phone along with his.He pulled my shirt over my head as we took off our underwear.He lined himself up with my entrance,but I stopped him.

"You better wrap it before you tap it,"I said making him,but did as I said.He then pushed inside me as he picked up speed ever so slowly.We moved in sync until we both released and he got up to throw away the condom.I threw his shirt on and put my panties back on as he put on his boxers.

"You know,since we have this whole place to ourselves,we could fuck anywhere we feel like,"Luke said with a smirk and that's what we did over the time span of 2 months.It took that long for the whole thing to die down and in that time,we decided who was coming to the wedding and when it was.The wedding was going to be something small to keep everyone's attention away from us.The wedding was in a few days so me and the boys were at the airport while fans were slowly piling in.Luke and I went into the airport at separate times and completely changed our looks as we moved along.I had a small baby bump already and Liz was so happy when we came to visit.Luke took so many pictures of Liz and I,so to get him to stop,Liz,Lydia,the two younger girls,Sam,Amanda,and I went dress shopping.Once we found the one,we sent to Rick's house since he said we could keep the wedding supplies there.We were currently ducking past fans while they mobbed the 3 other boys,the rest of band mates,my 3 other friends,and Luke's parents.

"Hold on,I feel like I'm going to be sick,"I said as Luke walked with me over to the bathroom as I hurried inside.I was correct because once I got into a stall,I spilled my guts.I walked out as we started heading towards security again.Once we got there,we quickly rushed to the plane and got on without anyone noticing.Once I sat down,I put my earbuds in and rested my head on Luke's shoulder and fell asleep.

"Wake up princess,we're here,"Luke said shaking me lightly.We were close to the last one's off while the other boys were one of the first.Once again we easily slipped past the fans and got into the car without anyone noticing and soon the boys piled in.A few paps walked out in front of the car as we ducked down so they couldn't see us.

"Okay you're good,"Ash said as we sat up.

"Thanks,"I said.

"No problem J-dog,"Mike said.

"What's with you calling me J-dog all of sudden,"I asked as he shrugged his shoulders.We headed to the hotel we were staying at and decided who was staying in which.Of course it was Luke's parents in one,my band in a room,the boys,and my friends and I.

"We're going to set up everything for the wedding and then we're staying at the chapel for the bachelorette party afterwards,"I told the boys.

"Okay,I'll see you tomorrow baby,"Luke said kissing my forehead as all of us girls headed to Rick's to grab the things and then go to the chapel.Once we got there,we started putting things up,setting things out,and everything else that we needed to do.Once everything was finished,we headed to the basement and just partied.

"I wish both you and my son the best,"Liz said.

"Thanks mom,"I said.She's okay with me calling her mom because my mom isn't in to me and she's also always wanted a daughter.After a few hours,we went to bed so we could get ready in time for the wedding.

"Come on Jewels,time to get ready,"Lydia said shaking me awake.I got up as Amanda and Lauren started on my makeup as Liz drive with Mal to get my dress.Sam and Lydia were getting things around for my hair and waited until Amanda and Lauren were finished with my makeup.Liz and Mal came back with my dress and Sam was straightening my hair.I got it on and sat back down and they went back to work.

"Wait,I don't have veil,"I said and started panicking.

"Don't worry honey,I brought my old one just in case,"Liz said and handed it to me.

"Oh my god it's gorgeous,"I gawked.

"I know,now put it on,"she said as I turned around and let place it on my head.

"Positions everyone,"Rick yelled as we all lined up and music started.

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