Chapter 31

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(A/N-I just want to quickly say this before I start,I have another book I've been working on the side.It's called If You Don't Know and a vampire fanfic,your welcome friends.But anyways,I'll end this little whatever you want to call it and start the story.)

Recap(because why not)

"Why don't you try Mike,"I said.

"You show him because you're good at explaining what to do,"Luke said as he got off the horse and gave Mikey the reins.I showed him how and he fucked it up the same way Ash did,so as Luke sat behind me taking a video,I chased after Mike.I told him how to stop the horse,but he only made it go faster.

"Luke,take the reins,"I said as he out his phone away and took the reins.

"What are you going to do,"he asked.

"Something I haven't done in years,"I said.

Current Time

I stood up slowly and balanced myself on the horse and jumped from my horse onto Mike's.I wrapped my arms around him and took the reins from his hands and stopped the horse.Once stopped,I let out a breathe I didn't know I had been holding in.

"Are you okay Mike,"I asked as he nodded.

"Thanks,I don't know what I would've done without you,"he said making me smile.

"Baby,don't ever do that again,"Luke said stopping his horse and climbing off.

"I'm sorry,"I said as I climbed down and gave him a hug.

"Yeah,I'm not trying that again,"Mike said,hoping down from the horse making me laugh.

"Come here stupid,"I said as I climbed onto the horse I originally was on and he climbed on behind me.I took his hands and put them on the reins and set mine next to his.

"Don't be getting ideas Clifford,"Luke scolded making me giggle and we took off.I showed him how to do it and this time he figured it out and I just sat there while he controlled the horse.

"Okay take me back before Luke gets pissed,"I said while we both laughed and he did as I asked.We raced Cal and Ash back and we won because we're the best.

"Ash,your turn now get your ass on,"I said as he climbed off Cal's and onto mine.I did the same thing I did with Mike and luckily he figured it out.He took me back over to the fence as I climbed off and watched the boys ride around.I got an idea and pulled out my phone to make a call and once it ended,Luke got off Cal's horse and cane to sit by me on the fence.

"Who were you on the phone with,"he asked.

"It's a surprise,"I said with a smile as he smirked at me,then pressed a kiss onto my forehead.After a few minutes,a truck stopped with a trail attached to the back.

"Are you Jewlisa Hood,"the man driving asked as I nodded.He got out and opened the back up and pulled out two beautiful horses.

"So this is what you were on the phone about,"Luke said while I just smiled.

"This is Cookie and this is Carter,"the man said and handed me the reins to both horses and drove off.

"I call Carter,"Luke said and climbed onto him as I got on Cookie.We took off through the field and I got daring and jumped some logs.

"How long do we have with these horses,"Luke asked.

"However long they live,"I said with a sly smile.

"You seriously brought horses,"he said.

"Yeah why not,"I said while shrugging my shoulders while he just laughed at me.

"Where the fuck do you think we're going to keep them,"he asked.

"They have a stable open for us to keep them there,"I said.

"You're lucky I love and that we're not touring for awhile,"he said.Once it started getting dark,we headed back and we put the horses in the stables and I got on with Cal,but Luke had other plans.

"Get off Cal,"Luke said.

"Why,I'm already on here,"Cal said.

"But I want to ride with my wife,"Luke whined.

"You and Jewels are married,"someone yelled.We looked over to see a small group of girls with their phones out,well shit.

"Not for real,"Luke said as they looked at him confused.

"I did one of those quizzes on Facebook about who'd I marry and it said Jewels,so now the joke is that we're married,"Luke explained.

"But rumors going around that you're dating someone,are they true,"they are sled as he nodded.

"Well is it Jewels,"they asked as Luke laughed and shook his head no.

"We're close friends,so if we go out,it'll be weird,"he said.

"But you've dated before,"they questioned.

"And it was awkward,"he said.

"But what about the last time at that hotel years ago,"one asked.

"I thought I wasn't ever going to see her again,"he said.

"Oh,well that makes sense I guess,"they said and then left.

"That was way too fucking close,"I said as he agreed.Cal ended up getting off and riding with Mikey and Luke sat behind me and held the reins and then we took off.Once we dropped off the horses,we headed back to the house and me being myself,I out my earbuds in and listened to whatever came on.A song that I recently found and I've fell in love with it came on.I felt one come out part way through the song to see that Luke took one.

"No Luke,"I said,but it was too late.

"How can I make it through all the things you do
There's just gotta be more to you and me
I'm so addicted to all the things you do
While you're going down on me
In between the sheets
All the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It's unlike anything
It's unlike anything
I'm so addicted to all the things you do
While you're going down on me
All the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It's unlike anything
I'm so addicted to you
Addicted to you"

"Damn baby,are you feeling crazy,"he whispered to me.

"I-uh guess s-so,"I said shakily.

"I'll help you with that when we get home,I promise princess,"he whispered to me making my breath hitch.Once we got home,I went up to my room while Luke went out.He said he needed a few things and then would meet me up here,giving me time to prepare.I quickly shaved my legs and had to dig through my draws for a good 5 minutes,but finally found my black lingerie that had a hint of red in it.I pulled out my vanilla candles since he liked those and lit them and scattered some rose petals at the door leading to the bad and then where I would be laying.While I waited,I looked around for something I could use to tie him up with just to throw him a curveball.I found a few of his ties and hid them under the bed,then layed down on the bed when I heard the front door open and close.

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