Chapter 34

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The boys thought it would be funny to take a picture of the test results and put them online.Luke captioned his with 'me and @ashtonirwin r having a baby,hope everyone supports us😂.'Cal had his with '@michaelclifford IS PREGNANT WITH MY BABY😲.'Mike had his with '@lukehemmings Y DIDN'T U TELL ME U WERE PREGNANT WITH MY BABY INSTEAD OF JUST SENDING ME THIS PICTURE SAYING THAT I'M THE FATHER😠😤.'Ash said '@calumhood,I just want to say that this is the best gift u could ever give me,I love you bro😍😘.'

"You guys are fucking dumbasses,"I said shaking my head while laughing.I brought up my camera and started taking a video.

"Guys,who's baby really is it,"I said getting them in the back.

"Ash's,"they all said.

"Why mine,"he whined.

"Because you're daddy,"Mike said coving his mouth after realizing what he said.

"Oh my god Michael,did you really just say that,"Cal yelled.

"Yeah,"he said while laughing.

"You have some explaining to do and I want to join in on it,"Luke said.

"Guys seriously,"I said while laughing.

"It's Jewels' tests,"Ash said while I smiled at the camera.

"Yeah,"Mike said while poking my stomach.

"Why are you poking my stomach,"I asked.

"I'm trying to find the little shithead in there,"he said and put his ear against my stomach.

"You're an idiot,"I said ruffling his hair.

"Are you sure this isn't just a food baby,"he said.

"Yes Mike I'm sure I'm pregnant,"I said and ended the video.I put it everywhere and everyone kept asking who that father was and soon I got a phone call from Lydia.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant,"she yelled.

"Because I just found out,"I said while laughing.

"You could've at least told me you were trying for one,"she said.

"I didn't want to get my hopes up,"I said.

"Oh,well why were the boys being idiots about it,"she said while laughing.

"Because it's the boys,they can't take anything seriously,"I said as she agreed.

"Well I got to go since class is started,later,"she said and hung up.

"Well,management set up an interview with a small set afterwards at 3 so get around and we can adventure around till then,"Ash said and we did as we were told.Once we were all downstairs,we all walked down the sidewalk into the city.We were stopped by so many people and some asked about the pregnancy.

"Can we go in please,"I begged the boys since we were standing outside of a Hot Topic.

"Fine,but make it quick,"they said as I cheered and hurried in.I got myself some new pairs of skinny jeans and band tees.I found myself some bracelets and got those along with some hoodies,snap backs,and beanies.

"Holy shit Jewels,how much are you getting,"Mike said.

"As much as I can get,"I said and kept looking around.After a little bit longer in the store,I got myself multiple bags of things while the boys got a few items.

"You're an expensive little girl,"Cal said as I just smiled at him.

"I'm getting us a car to take us to the area we're supposed to be at and also we can put out things in the trunk,"Ash said as we waited for the car.Once it got here,we put our bags in the back and got in to go to the interview.I wasn't in it,but they wanted me to come along so I didn't have to stay home alone.Once we got there,we all got out and headed to where we were directed.The boys readied their instruments and soon people started piling in.

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