Chapter 33

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I woke up with Luke still sleeping and a message.Managment had us an interview in a few hours,so I woke up Luke and the boys as we hurried out the door.Once we got there,we all walked into the building and headed to where the interview would be at.

"I don't want to hide the relationship anymore,"Luke blurted out when we were waiting for the people.

"What are we going to do,"I asked as he shrugged.

"Should we just tell them,"he asked.

"But they're going to hate me,"I said.

"I don't care about what they think,I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and that's all that matters,"he said.Soon after people started coming in to start the interview.

"These are the last two questions and everyone's been wondering about them,"they said as we signaled them to go on.

"Jewels,that ring looks like an engagement ring,who's the lucky guy and Luke,you accidentally spilled to a fan that you were with someone,but wouldn't tell who,can you tell us who and how long it's been going,"he asked.

"I met my girl through Calum and ever since that day I haven't ever stopped thinking about her.We've been together for quite awhile actually,"Luke said.

"I also met my fiancé through Cal.He was a good friend of his and I guess I wasn't the only one that felt like we clicked and we've been together for 3 years and still going,"I said.

"That's nice,but what everyone wants to know is their names,"he said.

"I'm marrying Luke,"I said .

"I'm marrying Jewels,"Luke said at the same time as me.

"You're joking,"they said.

"Nope,"Luke replied while I sat there listening to all the comments coming from outside and Luke must've noticed something was off.I typed in what I was distracted by on my phone and showed him.

"Don't listen to them babygirl,you're all that I'll ever need,"he whispered to me.

"What are you two talking about,"they asked.

"About how she can hear all the rude and false comments being made outside.If you so called fans really loved me then you'd support me on who I chose to love like my mates.If I hear or see any hateful or false thong be said about her,then you can consider yourself no friend of mine"Luke said as he intertwined our fingers together and pulled me out of the room.

"What the hell was that,"I asked.

"I don't want them hurting you,"he said.

"But now they're going to blame me for how you've changed,"I said.

"We've been together for 3 years and no one saw a change,so they can't say that,"he said as we left the building and immediately I got dirty looks.Luke must've noticed because he grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead.

"You're the reason this fandom is falling apart,"someone yelled.I felt tears welding up,so I looked down as a few tears fell.I wiped them away quickly so Luke wouldn't notice but that failed because he stopped walking and stood in front of me and lifted my chin up so I'd look him in the eyes.

"Don't you ever listen to the baby because remember you're the one I'm marrying.Why would I marry you if I didn't love you.You're my soon to be queen possibly carrying our little prince or princess,"he said quietly making me smile.He then wiped away my tears with his thumb and placed a few gentle kisses on my lips.

"Jewels,"Luke said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Do you think we should expose the relationship now,"he asked.It was all just a daydream which meant I had time to make my decision.

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