Chapter 15

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"Oh my god,"I say as Malum looks up at me.

"What,"he questions.

"Why didn't you tell me you could play guitar,"I say pointing at him holding my guitar in his hands.

"I can also play drums,"he says.

"When I can play guitar again,you're going to be play drums with me,"I say as he nods his head yes.

"Well,I got to get ready,"I say as I start getting around.

"Alright,time for me to go on,I'll see you after the show,"I'll say as I hug him and head onto the stage.I look over to see him giving me a thumbs up making me laugh.

"What's up Osaka,how are we feeling tonight,"I yelled as the boys started the beat to my first song.

"This first song is Story of Another Us,sing along if you know the words,"I tell the crowd.

"Play the scene over again
Before the credits rolling in
Inside my head
I don't recall a single word
You hit me faster than I heard
Inside my head
And now I'm shaking wearing thin
I always wonder where you'd been
Tell me if you wanted it all"

I looked over to see Malum tapping is foot and bobbing his head to the beat.I laugh at the sight and focus back on the song.

"I've got a long-term plan with short term fixes
And a wasted heart to cast eclipses
And I'll push my luck and trust the dust enough
That's the story of another us
One last ditch and new beginnings
So take this heart put yourself in it
The surprise ending I'm depending on
Could be the story of another us
Story of another us
Story of another us
Could be the story of another us"

I finished my performance and walked off stage and hugged Malum.

"You've got a voice I have to admit,"he says as we walk back to my dressing room.

"Thanks,I just wish I didn't have this fucking brace so I could play my guitar,"I explain.

"You'll get to soon don't worry,now go shower because you stick,"Malum says as he pushes me into the shower as I stick my tongue out at him.

Once I finished my shower I change into black skinny jeans with the knees ripped out with my nirvana t-shirt.We walked out to see the boys onstage performing and me being the butthead I am,I got myself a mic.

"What in the world are you doing,"Malum asks.

"I'm going to surprise the boys and crash their performance because I'm me,"I say.

"Can I help you,"he asks.

"Sure,grab a mic and get ready to sing,"I tell him as I get him a mic.He grabs a mic and about half way through she's kinda hot,we run out onto the stage as the boys looking at us in shock.

"They say we're loses and we're alright with that,we are the leaders of the not coming back and we're alright though yeah,we're alright though,"I sing.

"Take it away Malum,"I quickly say.

"We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene and we're alright though,"he sang and he sounded amazing.

"Na na na na na na na na na na na,"we all sing.After the song finishes,the boys just look at us and laugh.

"What the hell was that,"Mikey asks while laughing.

"I don't know,I just thought it would be fun,"I replied.

"Well,I don't know about the rest of you,but I was surprised when Malum started singing because that was really fucking good,"Cal said.

"I was too,where'd you learn to sing like that "I ask.

"I was used to be in a band,"Malum says.

"What happened to it,"I ask.

"The rest of them didn't think we would make it,so they left and I was so dedicated that I learned how to play both guitar and drum,I know a little bit of bass,but I finally gave up about half way through learning bass,"he explains.

"Really,play the chords to the song we just played,"Mikey says as he hands him his guitar.Malum starts play and adds his own little rift to it.

"Dude you're amazing,"Mike exclaims.

"Do mine now,"Ash yells as Malum runs up and plays a beat.

"Since you're playing everyone's instruments get over here,"Cal says as he hands his bass to him and he played it and it still sounded good for not knowing everything about the bass.

"Wow,you're really talented,"Ash tells him.

"Thanks,you guys are amazing and I don't doubt it for a second that this is just the beginning of your career,"Malum said.

Malum and I say goodbye and head offstage while laughing.We walk back to my dressing room,but him carrying me part of the way because I'm lazy.

"So you used to be in a band,"I start.

"Yeah,we didn't ever come up with a name,we just played covers,but no one could corporate with each other,"he explains.

"That sucks,but you can now join me and show them what they're missing,"I tell him and his face lights up right away.

"Are you serious,"he yells.

"Yeah,if you want to you can play the drums for me while I play guitar,but until I can play guitar,you'll play for me,"I explain.

"I think that would be fucking amazing,"he says while smiling like crazy.

"Well,go home for a few days and pack your things because you're coming with us,"I say as we walk out of the arena,but I leave a note for them telling what we're doing before we leave.I get management to get him a ticket while we gather his things from the hotel room and head to the airport.Once we got there,I walked with him as far as I could until he had to leave.

"I'll see you in a few days,"I said as we hug and then he gets in his plane.I go back to the hotel to see the boys except Luke in my room sitting on my bed.

"How did you get in here,"I ask.

"The front desk person let us in,"Mike says.

"So where did you go and where's Malum and his things,"Ash questions.I tell them everything and the boys look so happy since they get along with him really well.

"So he'll meet up with us in Tokyo,"Cal clarifies and I nod my head yes.

"Well I'm going to bed,so get out,"I say as I push the boys out.I then turned off the lights and went to bed.

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