Chapter 9

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I waited in the living room for them as I thought of ways to talk to Luke about it.I went to my room and opened my laptop.I FaceTimed Lydia and she picked up after a few rings.

"Hey,the boys got of their interview a few minutes ago,"she told me.

"I don't know how to tell him Lydia,"I confessed.

"Just be straight forward with him about it,"she suggested.

"Lydia,you made this seem like a big deal,"I said,raising my voice a bit.

"It sort of is,but at the same time you don't need to freak out about,"she says.

"Why can't you just tell me,"I yelled while laughing.

"Because Luke needs to figure out to deal with it,"she yelled while laughing too.

"I still don't know how to tell him,"I say.

"I don't know what to tell you Jewels,I would try and slowly hint it,"she says.

"I don't what to talk to him alone about it,maybe he'll hate me for it,"I say.

"Trust me he's not going to hate you after telling him this,"she says.

"You don't know that,"I retaliate.

"Jewels,I bet you 20 bucks that he's not going to be mad,"she said.

"No deal,"I say as she laughs.

"What are you so afraid of,he's not going to hurt you babe,"Lydia coos.

"Baby,I zoned out during the interview and thought about us getting into an argument that had to do something with management and then I left,but he tried stopping me before I could,but I sti-Jewels,what were you thinking about,"I started,but got cut off by Luke who barged in.

"I gotta go Lid,talk to you later,"I say as she sees that I'm nervous.

"Yeah,good luck hun,you'll be fine,tell me how it goes afterwards,"she says and the screen goes black as I shut my laptop.

Luke's P.O.V

We just got back to the house and we're all still confused to why Jewels just got up and left the interview.Just incase she was sleeping,plus the whole once a month thing,we quietly walk in only to here her yell from upstairs.

"Why can't you just tell me,"she yells while laughing a bit.I slowly walk up the stairs only to her someone else's voice.

"Because Luke needs to figure out how to deal with it,"Lydia yells.Wait,when did she get here,is that why she left the interview.

"I still don't know how to tell him,"Jewels says.I about opened the door,but I stopped.I know I shouldn't be spying,but what is she hiding from me?

"I don't know what to tell you Jewels,I would try and slowly hint it,"Lydia says.Okay now I can tell she's on her laptop because of how Lydia sounds.

"I don't want to talk to him alone about it,maybe he'll hate me,"she says.I can tell her voice is very shaky meaning she's nervous and or scared.

"Trust me,he's not going to hate you after telling him this,"Lydia says.Okay now I'm really confused,first I thought she cheated or something,but now I'm not so sure if I'm supposedly not going to get mad at her.

"You don't know that,"Jewels retaliates.

"Jewels,I bet you 20 bucks he's not going to be mad,"Lydia challenges.

"No deal,"she says.

"What are you so afraid of,he's not going to hurt you babe,"Lydia coos.

"Baby,I zoned out during the interview and thought about us getting into an argument that had to do something with management and then I left,but he tried stopping me before I could,but I sti-Jewels,what were you thinking about,"she started and I barged through the door and cut her off.She looked terrified like she just saw a ghost and most of the color fled from her body.

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