Chapter 41

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I soon went back to the house and layed back down in Luke's bed.Maybe that's the reason why I remembered,I was back in a place that meant a lot to me.I soon fell back asleep in Luke's bed with tears staining my cheeks.

"Hey Jewels,Luke will be here soon,"Liz said shaking me lightly.

"I don't want to see that asshole,"I groaned.

"Why are you so mad at him,"she asked.

"Well,last night I remembered everything I forgot,but before I listened to Arzaylea and she told me Luke was cheating on me with her,"I explained.

"Oh honey that's great that you remember,but why are you still mad at Luke,"she asked.

"That's a whole different story that I don't have time for,what time is it,"I said.

"Around 1 and he said he'd be here 2,"Liz said.I got out of bed and got around since we had to go pick him up from the airport.Once I was ready to go,I got Ryker in his seat and we headed out.Once we got there,we went inside and waited at Luke's gate.I saw him walk out and fans started screaming and I just walked back to the car leaving him confused.I got into the back with Ryker in the middle of the back seat.I saw Liz and Luke approach the car and when Luke went to climb in the back with me,Liz whispered to him and we switched to the front.About half way home,Ryker started getting fussy and I dug around for his bottle in the bag,but couldn't find it.

"Hold on baby,"I said as my arm stretched over to the other side of the car for the bottle.

"Here let me help,"Luke said reaching back and digging through the bag.

"I got it,"I hissed.I found the bottle and made him the bottle just to find out he didn't want that.

"God dammit,"I mumbled to myself.I dug around again and pulled out his binky and gave it to him and that's what he wanted.Once we got to the house,Luke got out immediately and slammed the car and pulled at his hair in frustration as he walked up to the house.I got Ryker and walked into the house as Liz took him from me.We walked into the kitchen as Liz gave Ryker back to me as she looked for something.

"Do you guys want to talk tonight,"she asked.

"I don't know,"I said.

"Well,you should just get it over with and talk to him tonight and I'll take Ryker for ice cream or something like that,"she said grabbing her keys and putting him back in his seat.

"I'll see you later sweetheart,"I said and kissed Ryker's forehead as Liz left Luke and I alone in the house.I layed down on the couch and soon heard the stairs creek.I opened my eyes to see Luke standing at the bottom of the stairs.I motioned him over and he sat down next to me as tears pricked at my eyes.

"I remember everything Luke,"I simply said as his eyes went wide.

"That's why you're so angry,"he said.

"Not at first,I recovered it last night when I slept in your room.I was first mad because Arzaylea came over soon after you left to get food and lied to me and said you were cheating on me with her and showed me messages from when you two were together,"I explained.

"Well,you know that she was lying,so why are you so mad at me,"he asked.

"How about the fact that I remember all the shit you put me through.Did you really think that I would just forget about it,"I questioned raising my voice.

"I know and there's something else I need to tell you,"he said.

"What did you do,"I questioned.

"Remember when we had sex while I was with Arzaylea,"he said as I nodded.

"I wasn't really drunk,I was sober,"he confessed.

"What the fuck,"I yelled standing up.

"I never thought I'd have a chance to be with you again and I love you just as much then as I do now,"he said standing up.

"That doesn't mean shit,you took advantage of me while I was drunk,"I stated.

"You have no idea how much I regret,"he said walking towards me as I backed up.

"I'm sorry,"he whispered with tears in his eyes.I ran up to my room and slammed it behind me when I heard Luke following me.

"Baby,olease let me in,"he pleaded.

"I don't know if I can trust you anymore,"icm said as tears started slowly falling from my eyes.

"I knew you would say that,but don't shut me out,I love you so much,"he said.

"I don't think I can do this any longer,"I said.

"No,don't say that Jewels,DON'T SAY THAT,"Luke yelled as he slammed his fist against the door as I slid down the door with a hand covering my mouth with tears spilling from my eyes.I felt him sit down against the door and I sat their numb.

"Does this mean we're over,"he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know,I don't want Ryker to go through what I did,but I just don't know if we'll work,"I explained.

"I swear I've changed,I'm not the person you knew before the memory loss situation,"he said.

"I don't know,"I said.

"Open the door,"he said as I stood up and opened the door.He pushed me in as he cupped my face and brought his lips to mine as he closed the door with his foot.

"Do you feel the butterflies you felt when you didn't have your memory,"he asked.

"Kinda of,"I said.He then picked me up and carried me to my bed,but stopped right after.

"Lets go to my room so we don't ruin the guest room,"he said as he carried me bridal style to his room.He set me down on his bed and hovered above me as he kissed my jawline.

"How about now,"he questioned.

"Yep,they're back,"I said as things happened and the yeah.

"So I guess we're having another kid,"he stated making me laugh.

"I guess so,"I said.With that,I fell asleep with Luke laying next to me,something I've missed.

Luke's P.O.V

I layed there with the love of my life laying asleep next to me.I heard the stairs creek and then my door open with my mom staying there.

"Oh,I'm sorry,I thought you guys were asleep,"she said.

"It's fine mom,what do you need,"I asked.

"I was just going to set Ryker in his crib,but that was in Jewels' room,"she explained.

"Just bring it in here,"I said as she nodded and went to go get it.She soon returned and brought the crib in the room,set Ryker in it,and left.I soon fell asleep with my life being perfect again,but knowing there's news I have to break to her,I don't know how we're going to get along with an almost year old son and a possible baby on the way.

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