Chapter 11

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Dave quickly rushed over to Luke and lifted him over his shoulder as we quickly got back to the car.He stuck Luke in the back with me as they placed his head in my lap as the tears none stop streamed down my face.

"Please don't leave me Luke,I know you'll be fine,you'll be fine,you'll be fine,we'll be fine,we'll be fine,"I kept saying as I leaned down and pqressed multiple kisses to his forehead as cameras flashed all around me from outside the car.

"I'm so sorry,this was all my fault,"I whispered as I ran my hands through his quiffed hair.

Once we got to the hospital,the 2 guards carried him while Dave held me back when the doctors took him.I dropped to the floor thinking of everything and I really needed someone,but at the same time I didn't want to be here in the hospital.I pulled out my phone and called Ash.

"Jewels,where are you and Luke.We were told that Luke called about being mobbed a-wait,Luke said that you passed out,"Ash asked.

"I'm at the St.Mary's hospital bec-why are you at the hospital,"I started,but got cut off by Ash.

"When I woke up,Luke put me down and went out cold and I don't know why,please come with the boys I need someone here,"I say with tears still streaming down my cheeks.

"We're already on our way,we'll be there soon just hang in there,"Ash says as the line goes dead.A few minutes later,Ash and Mikey came running through the door.

"Where's Calum,"I asked.

"Still at home drunk,but are you okay and how's Luke,"Ash asked.

"I'm fine and I don't know about Luke yet,"I say.We sit down in the waiting room as both boys comfort me.An hour or so later,a doctor comes out,but it wasn't for us sadly.

"Mrs.Hemmings,"a doctor calls.

"That's me,"I say standing up.

"He will be fine,his anxiety had kicked in while he was dehydrated and had no food in his system,"the doctor said.I let out a sigh of relief knowing that it wasn't anything serious.

"Would you like to see him,"she asked as I nodded while me and the boys followed her.She led us to a room and told us we could go in,then walked away.I hovered my hand above the door for a few seconds not sure if I was able to face him knowing I was the cause of this.

"I can't guys I'm sorry,"I say as I run down the corridor to the waiting room and call for a cab to the house.

Ash's P.O.V

"I can't guys I'm sorry,"Jewels says as she runs down the corridor.Mike goes to chase her but I stop him and he looks at me confused.

"Let her go,this is a hard time for her,now lets go in,"I say as I slowly open the door to see Luke laying on the hospital bed with tears running down his cheeks.

"Hey mate,"I speak as his heads shoots my direction.He gets up out of the bed,but falls on the floor as me and Mike rush over to help him.

"Luke you need to stay in the bed,"I tell him.

"No I need to see Jewels,"he yells and tried to get out of our grip,but his muscles were very weak at the moment.

"Luke she needs time,she's afraid to see you right now,"Mike explains.

"Jewels,"he screams from the top of his lungs.Soon doctors are rushing in to get him back in the bed and calm him down as we get pushed out of the room.

Jewels' P.O.V

I got back to the house to see Calum passed out on the couch with tear trails straining his cheeks.I went up to my room and sat on my bed as I hugged my knees.

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