Chapter 4

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Jewels' P.O.V

"So what time does the interview start,"I asked Cal.

"In about 15 minutes,so we can go wait in the room if you want,"he said as I nodded and we headed to the room.We got there and I sat on the against the wall with Luke next to me and Cal sat next to him followed by Mikey then Ash.

"Can I get you guys anything,"a lady asked as she came in.

"A water bottle would be fine,"I said as the boys got a coffee.

Soon,people started coming onto the room and I'm guessing that meant that we were starting.

"This is Radio 1 and we're here with 5sos and Jewels,"the man said.

"Hello,"the boys said in unison as I just waved.

"So how's it been not being able to remember anything,"he asked.

"Weird,I'm being told all these things that I don't remember that I want to,"I explained.

"Well we're all hoping you do remember soon,"he said.

"We do to,"Cal said.

"Do you plan on going on tour even if you don't have your memory back,"he asked.

"I'm not sure,I want to,but I'm not sure if I could handle that,"I said.

"That's understandable,but now we have some questions from the fans,"he said.

"This person asks,how did you lose your memory,"he said.

"I got into an accident,"I said.

"We told them to keep it quiet and away from all sorts of media,"Ash said.

"Okay,this one says are you single,"he said.

"How many times do I have to tell people,I'm taken by food,"I said making everyone laugh.

"This goes great after that question and it says what was that outside between you and Luke,"he said pointing us.

"There was a guy that was rude and was staring where he shouldn't be,so I made it seem like she was taken and she would've done the same for me.As you can tell,I don't take that shit well,"Luke explained.

"I didn't really know why he did it,but I remember that we had a signal we used when we went out and when someone was getting too close and we didn't like it,that's when we used it.I guess he thought that I was giving the signal since that had signal in it and that's how we got them away.We made it look like we were together even though we weren't,"I said.What I said wasn't a lie,we actually had a signal for when people were getting too close.


I was at a party and went to get a drink when someone tapped on my shoulder.I turned to see a guy completely wasted which was funny because he could hardly stand up.

"What's your name young lady,"he asked.

"Jewels,what about you,"I asked.

"My name is Brad,would you like to dance,"he said stepping closer.He was already pretty close to me,so I was uncomfortable now.

"No,I'm just gonna head back to my friends,"I said,but he grabbed my wrist before I could walk away.

"Come on,just for a little bit,"he begged.

"No,I'm fine,I'm going back to my friends alright,"I said as pushed him out of the wah and walked away.That was the signal and Luke walked my made it look like we were talking about something when he as asking if that was the signal and I nodded yes.He grabbed my waist and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck.We both liked each other,but I still didn't want a relationship since we came up with the signal a few days after me and Gavin broke up and we've only had the signal for a few weeks now.

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