Chapter 13

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I got up early since I went to bed around 6pm,so I decided to go out to get coffee for me and the boys.I went to Starbucks and got us coffee,but I also wanted some donuts,so I went over to the donut shop that was next door for some.While I was walking out,a specific magazine caught my eye as I went up to see it.

"How much for this magazine,"I ask and I pay the amount and walk home.I open the door to see Cal and Ash sitting on the couch while Mikey is passed out on the floor.I handed them each their coffee and went up to Luke's room.I opened the door to see his bathroom light on,so I went in and saw him doing his hair.

"Hi baby,"he smiles.

"Don't call me that,"I snap at him.

"What's wrong,"he asked with a confused look on his face.I throw the magazine at him as he reads the front that says in bold print '5sos' Luke Hemmings spotted at the Nice Guy kissing with mystery girl' and under it was multiple pictures of him sticking his tongue down some blondes throat.

"It's not what it looks like I swear I was extremely drunk last night,I had to have guards help me out,"he quickly explains.

"That doesn't give you the right to cheat,here's your coffee dickhead and if this didn't come across,we're done,"I say as I push his coffee into his hand and walk out.I go to my room and start packing my things which wouldn't take me very long.I didn't have any tears to shed because I have none left to shed.

"Jewels,we're leaving hurry up before we leaving you,"Ash yells.

"I'm coming I'm coming,calm your tits,"I yell back,then hear him giggle.We all got in the car and headed to the airport which was a good half an hour drive.

"So how was your night,"I asked.

"Good,nothing much happened,"Ash said.

"Maybe not for you,"I mutter to myself.

"What was that Jewels sorry,I couldn't hear you,"Ash asked.

"Oh nothing,"I say and put my earbuds and look out the window.We soon arrive at the airport and there's a huge amount of fans.

"It's too early to be fucking mobbed,"I mumble to myself.

"Can't disagree with you on that one,"Cal says as the boys agree except Luke who has his earbuds in staring at nothing.We get out and I stand close to Dave since I could easily be kidnapped or something since I'm short.People keep sticking phones in my face and hitting me in the arm and I'm getting fed up with it.Soon I get to a spot where fans can't bombard us which is nice.I love my fans honestly,but the mobbing is just annoying and I hate it so much.I was lost in my train of thought and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry,I wasn't watching where I was going,"I apologize to the boy in front if me and might I say,he was really cute.

"It's fine,I was just heading over to get some food before my flight if you'd like to come with me,that'd be a great way to make up for running into me,"he says as I laugh and walk with him to get food.While we ate I realized we had alot in common and now sadly ir had to leave and I was really starting to like this guy too.

"Where you heading to,"he asked.

"Osaka,Japan,what about you,"I asked.

"Same,I'm going on vacation then heading back to California,"he said.

"I'm going here for work and I live in California too,were at,"I ask.

"San Francisco,how about you,"he says.

"LA,but that's still pretty close and I like you,maybe we could hang out while we're here,"I say.

"I'd like that,hand me your phone and I'll put my number in,"he says as I hand him mine and I get his.We exchange numbers as we walk to our plane and once I find my seat in first class,I put my earbuds back in and fall asleep.

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