Chapter 6

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Luke came back out and just stared at me for awhile.

"You gonna stop staring,"I asked as he started getting red and walked towards me with a smirk.

"You know I love you right,"he said and I nodded.

"Remember that when I do this,"he said and soon I was forcefully pushes against a wall.

"Ow,Luke that hurt,"I said.

"I'm sorry baby,"he said and then carried me to the bed.He quickly hovered above me and licked my neck multiple times.

"Luke,why are you licking me,"I asked and pushed him away to see his eyes beating red.He got up and walked towards the bathroom while running his hands through his hair.

"Luke,why are your eyes red,"I asked and he chuckled coldly.

"I've tried for so long not to,but you smell good and I need to feed,"he said.He was on the other side of the room and in less than a second,he had me pinned to the wall,then on the bed.

"Please don't hurt me Luke,"I said as a few tears escaped my eyes.He looked at me and his eyes turned a lighter shade of red.

"I'm sorry baby,I told you to remember that I still love you,"he said as he ripped my top off,then did the same with my jeans.

"Why are you do this Luke,"I asked with tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"Don't you realize what I am,I'm a monster,"he said getting off of me and walking to his desk and throwing a few things off the desk.I slowly walked up behind him,but he raised his hand and turned around.

"I can hear you,your thoughts,your movements,everything,"he said.Well shit,he may have scared me,but in his defense he was hungry,whatever that means I guess.

"It drink blood,that's food to me,I'm a fucking vampire Jewels,so when I'm hungry,my eyes turn red and I feel the need to kill basically,I can smell your blood from here,that's why I said you smell good,"he yelled.Why do I find this really cute even when I shouldn't think that.He may not be the Luke I thought he was,but that Luke was still there,I just got to learn something new about him if you want to put it that way.

"What did you just say,"he said,slowly stepping towards me,but I soon ran into the wall.I was trapped and there was no way to escape.

"I didn't say anything,"I said.He didn't like that answer,so he picked me up by my jaw and through my onto his bed.

"Your thoughts Jewels,I can hear your fucking thoughts,"he yelled getting in my face.I closed my eyes so I didn't see what he did next,but only to feel light kisses being pressed to my lips.I opened my eyes to see Luke with still red eyes.

"I wanna fuck you like an animal,"he whispered to me,then ripped the remainder of my clothes off.He roughly attached his lips to mine as he slowly entered me.I accidentally bit hard down on his bottom lip.It didn't seem to faze him at all as he kept going and nipped at my ear.

"I'm going to pick up the pace babygirl,so be ready,"he whispered and soon he was moving at a quicker pace.This hurt alot,so I was gripping onto the nap of Luke's hair and the bedsheets.

"I'm sorry princess,I didn't want to hurt you,"he said.I looked into his eyes only to that the are a dark red now and his fangs are out.

"Don't be scared baby,I'm not going to hurt you,"he said,still thrusting into me.He lowered his head to my neck and I soon felt pain shoot through my body.I screamed in pain,but Luke covered my mouth and he bit down harder.Tears were streaming down my face at this point and soon my vision started spinning and Luke pulled away with his eyes back to blue.

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