two | formal introductions

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"Sweetie. Hey sweet stuff!" Heart heard someone calling behind her. She looked up to see a middle-aged man, smiling and signaling for her to come over. Being one of the few waitresses at a busy diner, she quickly wiped down the table before tending to the man.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"I see you working here day in and day out. You've been here for awhile haven't you?"

"Since I was able to work." She put a hand on her hip and brushed the strand out of her face.

"You getting by working here?"

"I suppose. I share an apartment with my aunt and split the bills with her, so it's enough." Heart shrugs.

"You're always such a sweet girl, working hard & what not. Say, are you interested in working for me? The position pays a lot more than this." He winks and holds up a card in between his fingers.

"Mm, no I'm okay. I think I'll be settled here for a bit, sir. But thank you." She smiles softly at him as she tilts her head and takes away his empty plate.

"Well, here. Keep my card anyway. In case you change your mind." He smiles at her as he gets up to leave. She watches him walk out the door before grabbing the card on the table to take a look at it. The Gentlemen's Club - Mr. Bigs, Owner & Founder. She never saw herself working at a Gentlemen's club, regardless of the position. But she shakes it off and tucks the card into the pocket of her jeans.

Getting into the small & messy apartment her & her auntie shared, she stepped on a couple of her baby cousin's toys.

"Ow, fuck!" She yells to herself, waking her auntie who was knocked out on the couch. In front of her sat a bong and lines of cocaine.

"Would you fucking be quiet when you come in next time? Jesus Christ, Heart. You aren't the only one who lives here!" Her aunt yells, turning around on the couch to go back to sleep. Heart sets her stuff down on the small, round kitchen table before looking in the fridge.

The absolutely empty fridge.

The only thing they had left was bread, and some milk for her 1 year old baby cousin, Logan. She loved that baby as if he were her own, especially since her aunt was too busy taking care of herself rather than taking care of the baby. That was one of her main priorities, especially graduating out of high school. Of course, she wanted nothing but to go to college and finish school, but she couldn't afford it. And she couldn't leave Logan in this condition.

She missed her mom and dad.

Before she could remember every detail of the car accident her parents were involved in, she was pulled out of her thoughts by Logan's crying.

"Jeez, can someone get that baby and make him stop crying! He's hurting my goddamn ears!" Heart shook her head and went to the room to tend to Logan. She swooped him up in her arms, cradling him back to sleep.

"Hey Loges, it's okay. Go back to sleep. I'ma walk and grab you some milk alright?" She shushed him, immediately managing to put him back to sleep. After carefully laying him back down into his crib, she grabs her keys before heading out the door.

"And where are you going?"

"I'm going to get more food."

"Good, be useful around this house for once." Her aunt says, her back still facing towards the door.



"Trixie, baby." Mr. Bigs came up behind her as she was doing her makeup in the back room. She rolled her eyes subtly before feeling his hand on her back.

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