[preview] the pure.

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hey loves! sorry for putting the next chapter on pause, but i need your input and thoughts on this new story that's in the works. like i mentioned, it probably won't be up until i put an end to extraordinarylove (there will be a third book to that story though, just to clarify).

it's called "the pure."

it has a little divergent spin to it. ;)

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Three seconds.

Three seconds was the interval between each body that fell to the floor outside of the house Stephen & the group were hiding in.

"We have to move. They know we're here."

"Where else can we go? If we leave, they'll continue to come after everyone in the other sectors. We can't let that happen." Giselle chimed in.

"No, no." Klay shook his head as he stopped in his tracks. "Stephen, we're the reason why they're doing this. We have to do something."

Stephen placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose as he quickly paced around the room. "Alright, alright! Just get ready."

"Get ready for what?" Syrena stood in the corner as she folded her arms in confusion.

"To go out there. Klay's right. We can't just stand there and let the authorities continue to kill off them off. If it wasn't for me or you, this wouldn't be happening." Steph approached Syrena as he lowered his voice in hopes of convincing her.

"Alright." She shrugged. She sighed as she turned her attention to Giselle. 

"But we go out there with one purpose, and one purpose only. Save as many of them as you can. Whatever you do, don't listen to the authorities." The group nodded nervously. "You ready?" He approached Syrena once more, brushing the hair out of her face. "Remember what I taught you, alright?"


"Come on, let's go! They're coming!" Klay initiated the plan, leading the group outside of the house. Each took their own part of the sector, covering corners and taking down authorities as they came. 

"Over here! She's over here! The pureblood!" Syrena leaned closely against the wall that separated her from the authorities coming her way. She closed her eyes briefly as she prepared herself to approach them. 

"We just need to talk Syrena. Without you, none of this peace talk can happen." Sonya said loudly. Stephen quickly ran to Syrena's aid as he heard his own mother trying to convince her of going along with her plan.

"Talk about what?"

"I hope you know your mother was the reason behind this experiment." Syrena closed her eyes once more, hoping it would shut out her voice. With her mother being dead, Rena couldn't handle any talk about them nor her family. 

"Rena, don't listen to her." Steph yelled. She groaned as she turned the corner to direct her attention to Sonya and her soldiers, her gun aiming towards their direction.

"You don't know my mother."

"I do." Sonya laughed as she walked closer to Syrena. "Give it up sweetie. If you really want to make a change, this isn't the way to do it."

"I don't need you to tell me what's right or wrong."

"Then you decide, sweetheart. You stop and help me make this better with my plan. Or, you keep running and I'll kill everything that has your name to it, including your friends and your brother." Syrena bit onto her bottom lip to prevent it from trembling as the tears slowly fell down her face.

"Rena, don't." Stephen approached her. 

"Oh come on, Stephen. You're my son."

"No, no. I don't have anything to do with you, Sonya." He turned to Rena once more. "You know what she's trying to do." He said lowly. "So you know what you have to do. I'm not letting you go through this alone." Rena sighed before she took a stronger grip on her gun.

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