twenty nine | angel of mine

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"W-what do you mean he didn't make it? I'm sorry, but you just said you were doing everything you can, wasn't there anything else? I just don't--" Heart stumbled upon her words as the tears quickly came down her face.

"Hey, come on." Steph, although still hurt and sore from earlier, stood from his wheelchair and held her arms to try and calm her down. "Heart, let's sit."

"No, no! You-You said you'd do everything to make sure he made it!" She said, her voice now rising. She began to fight Stephen off, earning Jomari's mother to help and calm her down.

"Baby, please." His mother said, looking her in the eye as she cried. She shook her head and gently held onto her arms. "There's nothing else we can do."

"You-" Heart's crying began to build, as she fell back onto her seat. "You said you'd help him make it."

"I'm sorry. We did everything we could. It was just too late."

"Jomari.." She cried into her hands as his mother and Stephen comforted her on either side.

"Can we please see him?" Jomari's mother looked up at the doctor. "Please. Just let me and Heart see him." The doctor sighed and nodded.

"I will allow you to see him, but you won't be able to touch him." Jome's mother nodded as she gripped onto Heart and tried her best to support her as she stood up.

The nurse directed the two down the long, empty and quiet hallway. All that was heard was the muffled cry of Heart and Jomari's mother as they held each other's hands, anxious to see Jomari on the hospital bed. The pain was unbearable for Heart. Losing Steph once was hurtful, but it would never amount to losing someone for good and never being able to see them again.

The memories quickly flashed through Heart's head as they continued to slowly walk down the hallway. She remembered the long nights they'd stay up on his living room couch, watching movies and eating popcorn. Or the days where he'd take her to a nice view to reflect on life and help her get back on track. The days when he'd come take Logan to the park with her.

The days where he would simply smile at her and things would feel okay in the world.

She didn't know how she'd get through this, or how she could continue to keep going without her best friend. Jomari gave her things that no one in the world would ever be able to give her, and she was grateful to have experienced a majority of her life with him.

Without him, life would've been much different.

Of course, Stephen gave her that extra push she needed to bring herself to a better life. But it all started with Jome and how he took note of her talents, and how she should be thankful for them. He always kept her in check, regardless of how hard life got with her aunt and Logan.

The nurse stood in front of a window to a room that Jomari laid in. Heart let go of his mother's hand, immediately giving her the time with her son first. & Because she wasn't ready to see him in this state. Heart stood against the wall with her hand over her mouth as she watched his mother break down.

"My baby." His mother managed to say under her cries. "I should've been there for you." She put her hand against the window as she began to cry harder. "I'm so sorry, Jomari. You shouldn't have gone so quickly. I'm so sorry, baby." She began to repeat. She looked at Heart and signaled for her to come over, making Heart nauseous and queasy. She let out a deep breath before she slowly approached the window as his mother's hand rubbed her back.

"Oh my god, Jomari." Heart couldn't contain her cry. "Jomari, please. Just wake up." She cried as she examined the lifeless body on the hospital bed. The blood marks were still fresh on his face, the top of his chest area still looking fresh and alive. Yet, that was the complete opposite of the situation. "Jomari.." She cried. "You didn't have to do go in there, Jome. Why. Why did you do it?"

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