forty one | comfort zone

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"Move? Did she sound serious?"

"Yes. She said someone at work wants her to be a model!" He giggled before shooting the ball and exclaiming in joy.


Shortly after getting back to the car, Logan fell asleep in the back seat while Stephen drove with his forehead rested against his fingers. He knew she was upset with the way he approached everything, but he couldn't help but feel scared. He didn't understand why she wouldn't mention it to him.

Then again, maybe she was waiting for the right time.

Or, she was probably going to mention it before he blew up about the whole Klay conversation.


He silently cursed himself under his breath as the anxiety built within his stomach, creating the biggest clan of butterflies to attack his stomach. He didn't know how much she was considering this, how far it would be and when, but he knew for damn sure this would break them apart.

And he didn't want that.

Stephen gently shook Logan awake as he took his bag from beside him and helped him out of the car. The boy sleepily rubbed his eyes and slowly walked over to the door as Christen waited for them.

"Did he fall asleep?"

"Yeah just for the ride home." He smiled at her, but remained quiet as he watched Logan walk into the house.

"Thanks Steph. Looks like he had a good time."

"No problem."

"Are you going to see Heart?"

"Uh yeah, actually. I was going to head back there right now. I gotta talk to her about some things." She quietly looked at him, as if she already knew what they needed to talk about. She nodded and wished him the best before shutting the door. He sighed and rubbed his hands together, hoping they would stop becoming so sweaty. He was nervous, but at the same time, he just wanted to see her and hold her.

He peeked through the small window before knocking on the door. "Heart?" He called out softly. Sooner or later, he heard her footsteps coming to the door. Opening it, she stood there in an oversized t-shirt and shorts. She smiled softly at him and crossed her arms.

"Hey Wardell." She stepped outside to let him in. As she closed the door, he let out a small sigh before softly smiling at her and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"Hey sweetheart. How was your day?" Although his emotions were running wild, he knew it was his duty to ask how she was and see how her day was. He sat on the couch with his arm draped over, watching as Heart slowly walked over to him and sat next to him with a bowl of fruit.

"It was okay."

"Just okay?" She nodded.

"Mhm, the same old." She shrugged. "How was Logan?" She bit into a strawberry as she turned to look at him. Stephen chuckled a bit as he subconsciously rubbed circles on her shoulder blade with his finger.

"He was good. I taught him a couple of things and now he's a pro."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah?" Steph shrugged, making Heart chuckle a bit. "All it takes is practice. The kid's ready to take on whatever comes his way."

"Well, it sounds like you guys had a good time." She smiled softly, her dimple piercing through her cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being so good to him. I've been a bit busy, so I haven't really gotten the chance to spend time with him. I know he really appreciates it."

"Yeah, of course. He mentioned that." He chuckled before clearing his throat. The two awkwardly stared out into different areas of the room, not wanting to address the elephant in the room. Although, Stephen knew he needed to. There wasn't enough time. "But um, you know."


"He also mentioned what happened at work."

"Like what?"

"Heart." He said softly as he leaned over onto his knees and looked back at her. "Come on. You really don't have to hide it." She sighed.

"Yeah. Well. The other day at work, I was working at a studio and one of the recruiters told me she'd think I'd be fit for modeling. She was complimenting my features and all that." Heart smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Then she grabbed her boss and she told me that she would love to work with me. She was practically begging." Stephen quietly nodded as he waited for her to continue. "But they were only in the area because they were doing a joint project down here. The main studio is in LA and I wouldn't be able to do projects down here until I do some time there." She shook her head in confusion. "Whatever that means."

"Well yeah, you need to get used to the whole modeling thing so I'm sure that's why they'd want you there for a bit."

"I guess."

"So, what do you think?"

"What do you mean what do I think?"

"Baby, just be honest. Tell me how you feel about it."

"I mean it'd be really exciting to do. It'd be a new adventure that's for sure. I'd want to keep doing what I do with the magazine but I just feel like if another door opens, then why not take the chance?" She shrugged. "But."


She sighed heavily as her head dropped. "I would just hate to leave you and Logan behind." Stephen sighed before he sat up to grab her hands and give her his undivided attention.

"Baby." Heart refused to look at him because she knew the tears would fall. "Hey, come on. Look at me." He said, almost at a whisper. He gently placed his fingers underneath her chin to make her face him. The tears had already fallen at that point, and it hurt to see her this way. "Do you want to do this?"

"Wardell, I can't leave--"

"Stop it. Don't think about me, or Logan, or anything else. Think about you for once, and just tell me what you want. Tell me what this means to you, if anything. Please."

"It's such a great opportunity and learning experience. It could help me out a lot. I'd hate to have to take a pass on it." He pulled her into a hug and gently played with her hair as she laid her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. Everything in him wanted her to say no. He wanted to hear that she wasn't interested and that she wanted to stick to what she was used to. Her comfort zone.

But now, he hated it cause he knew he had to push those feelings aside and be there for her. He hated for her to pass the opportunity and be upset about it.

After all, it was a great opportunity.

She had the beauty and an independent mentality. She was built to conquer that world and her dreams.

"I know this means a lot to you, sweetheart."

"It's not easy, though."

"It's not. But I would always want you to do what's best for you, and what you think would be a great experience for you. I would never want you to miss out on that, or else, I'd probably hate myself for being so selfish." He chuckled, but she kept quiet. So, he held her tightly and placed kisses on the top of her head. He loved her too much to be mad, upset or anything along those negativity lines.

If he had to let her go to let her be happy and achieve her dreams, he would do just that.

"I love you." He heard her whisper.

"I love you too, baby girl. We'll figure this out, alright? We'll figure this out and get through it."


(London Bridge - Big Sean & Jhene Aiko)

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