forty three | tonight & always

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Stephen held Heart's hand tightly as they walked down the Embarcadero. It was a bit breezy outside but nonetheless, the night was still beautiful. The two had just finished eating dinner and were making their way to a special event at a nearby art & technology museum.

The couple walked quietly, enjoying their surroundings as they reached their destination. Stephen gave a slight nod to the security guard as he allowed them to enter the museum. Heart slowly let go of his hand as she began to examine the work that aligned the walls. Stephen kept his distance to take a picture of his girl, admiring her passion for art. He had snapped so many pictures of her that he had no idea which one he'd put up to show off on Instagram.

"Come look at this." She turned and waved him over. Steph silently walked over with his hands in his pocket, examining the piece of art in front of them. "Look at the way he used his colors. His brush strokes are flawless."

"It is nice." He chuckled at her, solely because he didn't have much of a special eye for art the way she did. "But I've seen better simply looking at my lady's face. So I'm not sure how it compares." Heart chuckled as she tucked her hair away and grabbed his hand.

"Come on." She bit onto her bottom lip as she lead him into the technology portion of the museum.

Heart stood in the middle of the room, her eyes glowing as they went from wall to wall, admiring the floral print that made its appearance in the room

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Heart stood in the middle of the room, her eyes glowing as they went from wall to wall, admiring the floral print that made its appearance in the room.

"Sheesh, who came up with this? It's amazing." Stephen looked around, trying to find the source of a projector of some sort.

"Wardell, stand right there." She smiled as she gently pushed him against the wall.

"Baby, are you making me into a model?" He chewed on his gum as his hands stayed inside of his pockets. He stood against the wall, his face illuminated by the floral print that hit the wall.

"Yes, hush. Act natural."

"Natural?" He rose an eyebrow. But she didn't respond. He clenched his jaw as he looked at different areas of the room. He tilted his head sideways and laughed at the sight of his girlfriend completely focused on getting a good picture of him.

"Aw yay, I got a picture." She smiled from ear to ear. "Well, they're all good but I like this one." She flashed her screen at Steph, showing a candid picture of him laughing with his eyes closed. "Handsome man, ain't he?" She winked.

"Yeah, he's not too bad." He shrugged. Heart laughed and tugged him into the rooms that followed. Each were the same as the previous, except the walls were illuminated by different things. Instead of floral, the next room consisted of beach waves. And the next, a room that mimicked rain.

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